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Hey guys! IMPORTANT things I want to talk about. First I'll just talk about the ideas I have / situation I'm in. So when I made the patreon milestones I had no idea so many of you will support me, never dreamed of this kind of success. I am trying to do draw the 10 pictures / month for the milestones, but I also have to finish the patreon comissions. That means 15 pictures, which would be okay, but I find myself out of time all the time, and I don't have time to draw fanart anymore. Not just for the fandom but other games / movies / cartoons either. That kinda depresses me so I was thinking about making some changes. I will tell my ideas and you tell your opinions, it's teamwork after all, i want the best for all of us, I want to make you happy through my art. - I'd like to change the $2000 milestone, instead of 10 picture for a folio, I would add a commission raffle thingie, which means I will roll with the dice and a random person would get a commission from me that month (single character). That's one idea. For the $3000 it would be 2 commission raffles. This way I would draw less pictures for the folios, but I could work more on them. Also more people would have the chance to get commissions. I will probably add a pledge level for the people who would like to enter the raffle. The price range I'm not sure about, opinions are most welcome! - Siden and I want to make a comic series, and for that a patreon too, because frankly that's the best way to do it. More info later. - For the #6 patreon pack I would like to continue the Quest for Harmony art, this time our characters kick some arse. Ideas? I didn't change a thing since I started this patreon, and I'm still learning. I see other artists are doing 1 or 2 pictures / month / update, and I would really like to pump out more detailed pictures if possible. I need your input in this. Uhm. That's all from the top of my head, if I have something more I'll post again. Thank you ALL for your generous support and love, I can't tell you how much this means to me! <3 atryl



That sounds like a cool idea, heck, getting 10 pics a month from you is already pretty awesome but a chance for a commission sounds pretty sweet ♥ Here's an idea for your next Quest for Harmony set. How about each of the girls fighting one of the monsters from the series like Flutters against the Manticore, Twi against the Hydra, AJ/Applebloom against the Chimera, Trixie/Twi against the Ursa, Rarity against Spike for a few Or maybe having a huge battle against the Changelings where each piece is part of a large picture &amp; on a side note, is there a link to the large DropBox or does that come in December? Can't wait to see what you come up with next, hope you can find a solution that works o(^-^)V

Eddie Murphy

I support your idea of trimming down the monthly art pack so that you have more time to work on other projects, as well as more detailed pieces for the art pack. I'm very interested in the comic collab between you and Siden; I mean, you two are two of the best artists in the Pony fandom, and a project from both of you would be brilliant, I'm sure. I feel the commission raffle idea is a good one, as well. As to Patreon pack #6, I really like your idea on continuing the Quest for Harmony and kicking it up a notch. Your first Quest for Harmony pack is actually, in part, the inspiration for an MLP D&amp;D/Lovecraftian adventure story involving a humanised Mane 6 that I'm in the process of working on. I think you do a lot for the fandom, and will support anything that keeps you making excellent art.


To be blunt, I contributed not because of the art packs, but because of the commission. The art packs are nice, but being able to roll the raffle for a chance to get an Atryl piece seems much more appealing for most people than getting artworks that may or may not appeal to an individual's tastes. You could also go with having a larger number of small sketch commissions in the raffle. Not everyone that supports you is looking for the print-quality mural. Many would be more than happy to get a small bit of artwork just so that they could feel like they're actively participating in the artwork they love, rather than simply spectators on the sidelines.


I'm here because I love your art Atryl, whether it's a thousand pieces a month or just one, I don't care. I just want to support one of my favorite artists. I'm pretty sure most everyone here is in the same boat. Ten a month in addition to your own art on the side is a hefty feat, even for you. I think cutting it back to a raffle commission is an excellent idea. I'm honestly more interested in seeing the stuff you come up with rather than what you HAVE to make because you're obligated to.


I'm here for the art. Do what you want to do. If you've bitten off more than you can chew and it's not fun anymore, scale it back. Scale it to something that's fun for you, since it's basically your job. Make it your life and enjoy.


Dude, play this out in a way that you are able to keep going and want to keep going, that you are enjoying what you are drawing and having fun while at it. I doubt many are going to go anywhere any time soon, if anything your support is only going to grow over time.


I'm also here for the art as well as supporting an artist whose work I've come to enjoy. If the work is too much then tone it back to something you can manage. I'm not too big on the raffle commission myself, but I'm fairly sure the other 300+ supporters would love it. As for ideas for Quest for Harmony, I think each character should be kicking arse doing something fitting to their style that we've seen so far. Such as Rainbow Dash fighting on a ship in style, Fluttershy freeing magical beasts from some cages of a cruel traveling side show attraction, Pinkie Pie escaping from armed soldiers with trickery (and maybe explosives), Rarity doing a spy vs spy on the rooftops/streets against a changeling, Twilight doing a wizards battle or closing a magical portal from beyond. And Applejack.... I don't know, gets drunk off cider and has a tavern brawl wielding a fellow drinker as a weapon.


I don't think that should be a problem. I'm sure we all are here for the fun and because we love ponies and because we love your artwork. If you feel bad it's no fun anymore and the fun is important in all things we do. Please find your happiness back! No one here should get upset with you about it or they are in the wrong fandom anyway :D


If I understand correctly, what it boils down to is basically quality vs quantity. You want to be able to provide more quality in the work which provides you with more time in the end and a more pleasing work environment. If i'm following correctly. I don't know about everyone else but I am all for making the artist more comfortable in their position, since in the end, a quality image is what I like. You are the one doing the work. You would know better than I about the best way to continue. You being happy, doing your art the way you like, will reflect in the works you do. That's what I have always believed, anyway. I support you because I like your work. Not because I like how fast you produce it. I do have to say though I am impressed with how quick you can be.


You might wanna check Atryl, on another patreon that I follow; they had a raffle going and apparently Patreon doesn't allow for art raffles. I am not certain on all the details but just in case, I thought I would let you know so you can check for yourself.


I you feel like you have too, you should do it. And it would still be a 8 picture folio with a chance for a commission AND it would also allow you to work on other stuff you have aside from your Patreon. I'd say go for it. And if it doesn't work hte way you expect you can still change things up. So there is no no reason to not give it a try ;)


One main reason for your great Patreon success is your high activity on producing great quality content that get top scores, good visibility and appreciation on particular art sharing sites. Most notably the NSFW pony content is a profitable niche market where you are arguably the top artist, In terms of your activity and quality of the content. You gained my support during you creating and submitting Patreon packs #4 and #5. This is why less pones is automatically a bummer for me but you're the artist, do whatever makes you most comfortable. I feel greedy for even wanting the goal folio since it's a "bonus" in my PoV.

Jordan Sam

Ah, yes, I was going to mention that too, that another Patreon I followed said the same thing. I'm not sure where the details would be though, as I am only a supporter and not a creator on anything here on Patreon. I will say that I'm quite fine with whatever you plan to do, I'm supporting because I love your artwork, and I know it takes time. I'd rather you put out what you feel comfortable with and focus on than increasing to a volume that affects either the quality or your well-being even. Patreon is still rather new to me, and I think it is so for a lot of people: supporters and creators a like. So I'm sure lots of us are not surprised that things might need to be moved around or changed as you find what works for you. Do appreciate that you asked for our opinions though!


Finding a good balance/rhythm that's good in the long run is a tricky business, so I personally don't mind if you want to play around with the goals you set. If they are too much, just tone them down to a level you can comfortably manage. The commission raffle is a good idea, and I'm gonna echo p2x909's comment that you might want to play around with different detail levels for those. I'm sure a lot of people would be also happy to win a linework-only commission from you.