Untitled (Patreon)
2014-11-12 23:46:31
2016-02-27 05:58:11
Hey guys!
IMPORTANT things I want to talk about.
First I'll just talk about the ideas I have / situation I'm in. So when I made the patreon milestones I had no idea so many of you will support me, never dreamed of this kind of success. I am trying to do draw the 10 pictures / month for the milestones, but I also have to finish the patreon comissions. That means 15 pictures, which would be okay, but I find myself out of time all the time, and I don't have time to draw fanart anymore. Not just for the fandom but other games / movies / cartoons either. That kinda depresses me so I was thinking about making some changes.
I will tell my ideas and you tell your opinions, it's teamwork after all, i want the best for all of us, I want to make you happy through my art.
- I'd like to change the $2000 milestone, instead of 10 picture for a folio, I would add a commission raffle thingie, which means I will roll with the dice and a random person would get a commission from me that month (single character). That's one idea. For the $3000 it would be 2 commission raffles. This way I would draw less pictures for the folios, but I could work more on them. Also more people would have the chance to get commissions. I will probably add a pledge level for the people who would like to enter the raffle. The price range I'm not sure about, opinions are most welcome!
- Siden and I want to make a comic series, and for that a patreon too, because frankly that's the best way to do it. More info later.
- For the #6 patreon pack I would like to continue the Quest for Harmony art, this time our characters kick some arse. Ideas?
I didn't change a thing since I started this patreon, and I'm still learning. I see other artists are doing 1 or 2 pictures / month / update, and I would really like to pump out more detailed pictures if possible. I need your input in this.
Uhm. That's all from the top of my head, if I have something more I'll post again. Thank you ALL for your generous support and love, I can't tell you how much this means to me!