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Spot the bitter sibling.




I imagine what Bones is thinking. Knowing how much Boneslav loves his family and how much he wishes he's with them instead with our MC, I bet he's interested why Nero acts like that.


A part of me understands why Nero is still reluctant considering what had happened. He wasn’t asking to be praised, he was trying to save his friend’s life, and that got him yelled at for protecting another life, shoved and cut in the face, and kicked out. I would be resentful if it were me. But at the same time, I think he may be taking his grudge it a bit too far. Boneslav may be catching onto this, wondering how someone would be so distant from their family.

Tori Sol

Knowing Riptail gets it and doesn't judge makes me happy. Honestly, Nero is 100% valid for feeling the way he does. I just hope Runi doesn't shame him for it later.


His complete reluctance to address the issues with his family is what makes her worry for him! She'd never ever shame him for something like that, worry just takes weird shapes sometimes, like way back after the Gathering.