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This month I have been absolutely slammed with work and as a result way slower than I should have been on keeping Beastborne updated. There'll be another chapter release tomorrow for any curious, and starting in July I'll be doing updates on the weekends for Beastborne going forward. Might start the second week, we'll see!

Audiobook News

I get asked about audiobooks probably more times than I can count, normally there isn't much to say other than "they're in the works" or "i'm waiting to hear back from Podium, my publisher" but every now and then I have actual news to share.

Firstly, the 4th Beastborne Chronicles audiobook is available for Pre-order right now! You can nab your copy ahead of time here (Beastborne Book 4 Audiobook) to make sure it'll get to you as soon as it goes live on September 15, 2023.

And now that contracts and all the boring behind-the-scenes stuff is taken care of I can finally unveil that the audiobook narrator for Scale & Sea is none other than the awesome Nick Podehl, whom you may know from such little-known series as Arcane Ascension, The Land, and the Kingkiller Chronicles (that was sarcasm, by the way).

It's honestly a dream to have Nick as the narrator for Scale & Sea, seriously I'm able to scratch off an item on my bucket list! Sohmer and I can't wait for you to hear his rendition of our first released series.

Patreon News

With things finally picking up speed, the Patreon will be undergoing a bit of a facelift. There will be Patreon-exclusive side stories for some of your favorite series that you won't find anywhere else, not even in the fully released books. 

I'm toying with the idea of doing "one-shots" in that they're quick little stories about tangentially connected Shards or characters that may spawn off into a separate series one day, or may just stay as a fun little experiment. I'd love your input and feedback on these!

There is likely going to be more coming this month, but I'd rather under promise and over deliver so while I'd love to talk about what's coming, I'll wait until we're closer to it being a reality.

For the time being, I hope you're all having a fantastic early summer!


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