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The script for the next 10 undrawn pages of Revolution of Harmony; written by Rated-R-PonyStar!

Page 31

Panel 1: The classmates that were not believing Gentle Hoof nervously back away and make excuses about needing to go much to both Gentle and Spike’s amusement.

Classmate 1: “Um, w-e-ell it was nice to m-m-meet y-you, but we need to go!”

Classmate 2: “Y-yeah! We gotta...clean our underwear!”

Classmate 3: “Yup! Byeseeyoulaterfarewellgo!”

Panel 2: The three run as if their tails were on fire while Gentle Hoof waves at them.

Gentle hoof: “Bye guys! See you at school tomorrow!”

Panel 3: Gentle and Spike are walking down the street together. Spike is looking bored while Gentle is smiling and looking cheerful.

Panel 4: Gentle turns to Spike as they walk, thanking him.

Gentle: “Thanks for walking me back home, Mr. Dragon.”

Spike: “Eh, no big deal. I needed the exercise. So how school?”

Panel 5: Gentle goes on about how school was. He explains that he was confused by the “Blood Status” system the Empire uses for its citizens and doesn’t really get it with Spike giving his response.

Gentle: “Pretty confusing. It was about the Blood Status system we use in the empire. I really don’t get half of it if I’m being honest.”

Spike: “That’s because its a stupid system that punishes creatures for crimes done before they are born.”

Panel 32

Panel 1: Gentle asks how so and Spike reluctantly answers.

Gentle: “Really? But how can you be punished for something you didn’t do?”

Spike: “Well, its a bit complicated, but...you remember the Assassination of Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

Panel 2: We see, just like in a storybook fashion from the first page, Royal Guard Ponies, Changelings, Griffins, Dragons and other creatures going to battle against another side of creatures as well save for their being ponies.

Gentle Caption Box: “Sure! After Princess Twilight’s death, Equestria went to war against the Cabal and their forces that lasted for a long time. Around that time, Princess Flurry Heart ruled Equestria and The Crystal Empire until she passed away shortly after the war ended. That was when the Empress came and took control!”

Spike Caption Box: “Right, but what did she do?”

Panel 3: We see a map of the world which is designed like this: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/733244e2-7d50-491a-8276-d918b46ae75a/dd2if45-a10b8f99-deae-49d6-94c5-d1180c2e6591.jpg/v1/fill/w_1095,h_730,q_70,strp/map_of_equestria____and_beyond__by_keenkris_dd2if45-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD01MjgwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNzMzMjQ0ZTItN2Q1MC00OTFhLTgyNzYtZDkxOGI0NmFlNzVhXC9kZDJpZjQ1LWExMGI4Zjk5LWRlYWUtNDlkNi05NGM1LWQxMTgwYzJlNjU5MS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NzkyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.pUJp38XgWrCHEDZ_Ie24rxO_7gOjw4Ltn-hIw0fbhAo

But there is a red coloring that shows Equestria dominating its neighbor countries. 

Gentle Caption Box: “The Empress believed that in order to achieve true harmony the entire world needed to be united under Equestria’s banner as one nation. She sent out her armies and those who didn’t conform were defeated in battle until every nation in the world was united under Equestria and became its districts.”

Page 33

Panel 1: Gentle asks why is this important since this is all basic history that everyone knows. Spike answers while he’s buying an apple from a vendor.

Gentle: “But this is basic history. What does it have to do with the Blood Status system?”

Spike: “Because not everypony and creature agreed with what the Empress was doing. Princess Twilight believed that harmony needed to be achieved by friendship. Not conquest. Even former supporters of Princess Twilight turned against the Empress when she started her crusade to rule the world.”

Panel 2: We see a pony, griffin, yak, dragon, changeling, and diamond dog being chained and forced to walk forward with a chain link forcing them to be together.

Spike Caption Box: “Those who rebelled against her, even ponies, were put down or imprisoned. After she had taken every land she could, she released them but as second class citizens. If you’re the descendant of a traitor who rebelled, or disagreed with the Empress, you are denied certain jobs, health care, travel rights, welfare, and more freedoms. Any children you have will have this as well.”

Page 34

Panel 1: We see three ponies (Gender and race are up to you), with three crystals over their head. The first is red, the second is yellow, and the third is green. The red one looks miserable. The Yellow looks normal. And the green one looks happy. 

Spike Caption Box: “In the system, there are three types of creatures. Traitor-Bloods who are descendants of a traitor or rebel in the eyes of the government. Redeemed-Bloods are those who were Traitor status but due to servitude to the government, performing an act of loyalty, or a petition from a District Governor, you are allowed more freedoms. Finally there are the Loyal-Bloods, those who are the descendant of those who agreed with the Empress or sided with her. They are the only ones allowed government jobs, full social, educational, and medical benefits, and are the only ones allowed to live in the Equestrian Mainland. Most of these are ponies, but some other races have this status.”

Panel 2: Gentle asks how they are able to tell and we see a newborn changeling getting some blood taken into a syringe by a griffin doctor. 

Gentle Caption Box: “But how can they tell? The Empire has so many creatures in it.”

Spike Caption Box: “It’s required by law that every newborn gets blood taken from them and given to a doctor so it can be put into two crystals. One of which is sent to the Crystal Empire. I don’t know what happens next, but through technology and crystal magic they hold a record of every bloodline and keep it organized.”

Panel 3: Spike then shows Gentle his fake Blood ID card that he got earlier as Gentle looks at it with awe.

Spike: “The second one they use for your ID card. You’re required to have one so they can scan it and get your bloodline status. Not having one can get you in serious trouble.”

Gentle Hoof: “Woah, do I have one?”

Spike: “Yeah, but your mother probably has it on her.” 

Panel 4: Gentle pouts as he thinks it dumb that’s being punished for something he didn’t do and the Empress is a meany. Spike lowers his head and grumbles that she is.

Gentle: “Well, this stinks. I get punished for something I didn’t do?! That Empress is a meany pants.”

Spike: “That’s one way of putting it.”

Page 35

Panel 1: Spike and Gentle hear down the streets that the merchant party is back and that they got wounded which makes Gentle worry.

Griffin (off Panel): “Blackwing’s party is back! They got wounded!” 

Panel 2: Gentle rushes off which makes Spike call out for him in confusion. 

Spike: “Hey! Gentle!”

Panel 3: We get a shot of Spike looking a bit concerned. 

Panel 4: We get a shot of ponies and griffins hugging the merchant party while also tending to the wounded. The merchant party, unloading themselves from their caravans, are ponies and griffins dressed in leather armor and cloaks. Some are helping with the wounded, others are helping take out some merchandise, others are hugging their families.

Panel 5: Same as above 

Panel 6: A black feathered griffin of the merchant party with a heavy cloak gets his attention taken from others when Gentle calls him from off panel.

Gentle (off Panel): “Dad!”

Page 36

Panel 1: Gentle rushes into his step-father’s embrace as the two look relieved to see each other again. 

Gentle: “Dad, I knew you’d come back!”

Blackwing: “Gentle! I’m so glad to see you, son.”

Panel 2: The two look at each other with smiles as they are happy to see each other alive and well.

Gentle: “Everypony was worried about you and the others coming back or not! I knew you’d come back!”

Blackwing: “Of course I would. I would never abandon you or your mother.”

Panel 3: Filler Cup rushes towards her husband and son as Blackwing looks relieved to see his wife again.

Blackwing: “Speaking of which...”

Panel 4: Filler Cup and Blackwing kiss

Page 37

Panel 1: Filler Cup asks her husband what took him so long to get back home and Blackwing grimly says they got attacked again by the Purple Furies. 

Filler Cup: “You were supposed to return two days ago. What happened?”

Blackwing: “Those damn bandits again. The Purple Furies attacked us halfway back. We had to dump half our load just to get out of that ambush.”

Panel 2: Blackwing tells how some were injured as we see pony and griffins of the party who were wounded being tended to.

Blackwing (Off Panel): “Most of us are okay, but some were wounded...”

Panel 3: We see three deceased members of the party, two griffins and a pony (Gender and such up to you), lying on their backs dead on the ground. Their families mourn for them. 

Blackwing (Off Pane): “But three of us didn’t make it.”

Panel 4: Blackwing, in a serious tone, tells Filler that there will be a meeting at the bar to discuss this once and for all. 

Blackwing: “We’re having a meeting to discuss what to do with these bastards once and for all. Can we use the bar?”

Filler Cup: “Of course, but let’s go home and get you something to eat.”

Blackwing: “Let me just care for the others first. I promise I’ll be back home right after.”

Gentle Hoof: “Let  me help, Dad!”

Panel 5: Spike watches from a distance at the scene with interest while leaning against the wall.

Blackwing (Off Panel): “No, Gentle. You go home with Mom. I’ll be home soon.”

Filler Cup (Off Panel): “You can help me make Daddy’s favorite, sweetie.”

Gentle (Off Panel): “Okay!”

Page 38

Panel 1: At the Bar, with the food prepared, both vegetarian and meat, for the meeting, Filler Cup turns to her son, Gentle, and tells him its time to take a bath.

Filler Cup: “There! That should be everything. Now its time for a certain colt to take a bath and head to their room their homework.”

Filler Cup: “Aw, but Mom! I wanna stay here for the meeting.”

Panel 2: Filler Cup looks at her son with an amused smile as Gentle Hoof just pouts but obeys his mother.

Filler Cup: “Gentle, I know you want to help, but this is a grown up thing. Now move your little flank up and get washing. Chop chop.”

Gentle: “Fine...”

Panel 3: Gentle heads up the stairs while Filler Cup is putting the finishing touches on everything for the meeting.

Panel 4: Spike walks in asking if Filler needs any help but she says no as she greets him.

Spike: “Need help?”

Filler Cup: “Thanks, but I’m good. Are you attending the meeting? A mercenary like you could prove useful in helping to deal with these bandits.”

Panel 5: Sitting down and helping himself to some meat, Spike just says he’s a bit interested but he doubts that they can hire him.

Spike: “Well, I am curious, but as for hiring me? I doubt you can really afford me.”

Filler Cup: “Oh? And how much are you worth?”

Panel 6: Spike gives his answer which makes Filler Cup surprised by the amount.

Spike: “8,000 bits. Per day.”

Filler Cup: “Geez, you weren’t kidding.”

Page 39

Panel 1: Spike decides to bring up the fact that Gentle is her son, but its clear that Blackwing isn’t his father. Gentle huffs but doesn’t seem too bothered by the question.

Spike: “So...you’re husband is a griffin?”

Filler Cup: “Yes. And before you say anything let me just answer your next question. Yes, Gentle is my son, but Blackwing isn’t his father.”

Spike: “I see.”

Panel 2: We cut to a flashback where a much younger Filler Cup is in the current day Griffinstone. Only this time, Griffinstone is a metropolis with tall buildings, unique designs, and griffins with some ponies walking around the streets in fancy clothes. 

Filler Cup Caption Box: “When I was younger, I tried to make it big as an actor in Griffinstone. I didn’t want to live in this town and I wanted to make it big.”

Panel 3: We see Filler Cup looking depressed in a crumbling apartment building with just a mattress, a pillow, and some snack bags to the side as a rat passes by as well as a leaky roof.

Filler Cup Caption Box: “Only problem is I couldn’t get a single good acting job. I’m Traitor-Blood, but I thought I could find something that didn’t give a damn about that. Stupid of me, huh? After three months, I was penniless.”

Panel 4: We see Filler Cup having sex on a motel bed with some male stallion having her way with her as she is dressed as a hooker.

Filler Cup Caption Box: “I had to find...alternative means of getting money...stuff I wasn’t proud of...”

Panel 5: We see Filler Cup, now getting a pregnant belly (a small one) on a train ride home holding her stomach.

Filler Cup Caption Box: “When I found out I was pregnant, I took what money I had and left back for home. My parents and the town welcomed me back, and I’ve never wanted to leave ever again.”

Page 40

Panel 1: Spike asks about Blackwing and we see a teenanger version of both Filler Cup and Blackbird running through the forests with smiles on their faces.

Spike Caption Box: “And your husband?”

Filler Cup Caption Box: “Blackwing’s been my best friend since we were kids. He actually tried to convince me to stay but I wish I listened. When I came back, he was so supportive...’

Panel 2: We see the two making out in bed together

Filler Cup Caption Box: “After so many guys and girls I had slept with I found one that I really wanted to be with...and he was with me...”

Panel 3: We see the whole family together with Filler Cup behind the bar, making a drink while Blackwing and Gentle Hoof eat beside each other with smiles.

Filler Cup Caption Box: “It didn’t matter if he was Gentle’s real father or not. He was there for us when he was born and he is still there for us now. That’s all that matters.”

Panel 4: Filler Cup then asks Spike a question that makes him lower his head to hide his expression.

Filler Cup: “What about you? Have you ever been in love?”

Panel 5: With tired, angry and painful eyes, Spike looks down and gives his answer. 

Spike: “One was a crush that was never going to happen. The other was a relationship that ended in friendship. The last...was my wife...and I lost her...”

Panel 6: Spike gets up and walks away to the corner while Filler Cup looks with concern.

Spike: “And our child.”



Nice! Can't wait to see these drawn!