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Hey everyone! Here's the first post in quite a while due to me being away.

Here's an example of the first quick sketches I did. The three steps of the fire dragon are a rough example of what CSP Colorize Technology does depending on how you flat-colored the image. It's a pretty cool little feature in the program, and if the image is colored neater, the colorize tool can tone a flat-colored picture! Can't wait to see how that turns out, might practice more dragons for my upcoming personal comic and try out this tool, and post the results here!

The first strokes on the digital drawing tablet were much harder than I thought, and it had only been around a month since I hadn't drawn! I felt like an amateur again XD

Luckily I got back into my usual technique pretty quick after this, and all series that were left unfinished before are now to be completed as usual, as long as commissioners of the series agree as well.

Glad to be back and hope everyone is doing well! 

Posts will pick up more next month, but I'll post what I can for the rest of May :)
