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Some sketches for an idea me and my cousin had a while ago.

As much as we'd like to make this comic, it may remain a concept for a long while before we do. Based on the 2012 Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Story Base:

Donatello makes quite a few scientific mistakes, causing problems in their missions and his brothers to grow frustrated with him, and feel as though they would work better without him on the team.

After a while he soon feels alone.

And not long after THAT, he isn't seen for weeks.

The three turtles are left confused and battered, unable to complete any of their missions the way they used to. Always getting hurt and failing their task, not having the necessary weapons or utilities they would usually have had with Donnie there.

They notice this, now realizing how much they needed Donnie and how helpful he was... how worthless they were without him. 

And not only for the sake of their missions, they missed him as a BROTHER.

The three turtles sneak out against Master Splinter's word, and a cloaked figure is following them, however they are unaware.

Soon they are captured by The Foot Clan, and are going to be used as a sacrifice (not yet decided for)

Fishface asking if anyone would like to take the turtles' place for the sacrifice, sarcastically of course as the others all laugh. They KNOW nobody will volunteer for such a thing.

But someone does.

It is the cloaked figure. True to his word, he jumps in the boiling tunnel of magma, the turtles walking home in a daze and BAFFLED, needing to know who it was that was willing to sacrifice themselves for... THEM.

Later on we see the cloaked figure unconscious. He was never dead. It was a trick. The Foot Clan had grabbed him and brought him back to the lair. They HAD to know, same as the turtles, who would be willing to take the place of the disgusting filthy TURTLES?

They unravel his cloak.

Kneeled in front of the shredder, is a worn and tattered Donatello; eyes intenseless.

They now understand and yet are still completely confused.

It isn't long before Donatello is offered a place on the Foot Clan, and... accepts.

The Shredder trains him in dark martial arts, and he soon becomes more powerful than the three turtles combined. 

In nearing fights, the turtles recognize the cloaked figure as a 'new ally' to the Foot Clan, and can't fathom his formidable power. They do not find out it is Donatello until one of them FINALLY gets the upper hand and lifts his hood; revealing his identity.

Is it too late to bring Donnie back home with his brothers?



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