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Kyle was known as the most troubled child in the military. Because of his insubordination and disregard for the rules, he was chosen to be the subject of a top-secret military experiment.

Kyle is tied to a lab bed, filled with fear and anger.

"I won't allow this! I don't approve of this experiment!"

The nurse in charge of the experiment approaches him and tries to persuade him.

"Kyle, calm down. This will open up new possibilities for you."

"I'm a man, and I'm going to live as a man!"

The nurse ignores his resistance and quietly injects him.

The moment he is injected, Kyle's body begins to heat up rapidly. His chest begins to swell at an alarming rate, stretching out as if trying to break through his clothes.

Kyle has no choice but to accept the transformation, and his eyes widen to witness the change in himself. His brown eyes begin to glow brighter and his hair turns bright pink.

Kyle is completely transformed into a woman, and when he sees himself in the mirror, he cannot hide his confusion and shock.

"Is this... Is that me...?"

"Yes, it is. You're not Kyle anymore. You are Roselia. Now, get dressed in this."

The nurse hands her a nurse's uniform, and Roselia realizes she has no choice but to put it on.

Roselia stares at her new appearance in front of the mirror, tears in her eyes and shaking with anger.

She looks at her new appearance in the mirror, tears in her eyes and shakes with anger: 

"Put it back on! I don't want this!"

"It's okay, Roselia. A woman's body is more wonderful than you know. Let me show you how fascinating it is."

The nurse approaches her from behind and suddenly starts squeezing Roselia's breasts.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't be afraid, Roselia. This is part of the joys of being a woman."

After pushing her down on the bed, the nurse kisses Roselia and whispers to her.

"A woman's body becomes beautiful when she feels it. You are about to discover that beauty, too."

As Roselia begins to lose herself in her new sensations, the nurse smiles and says.

"See, isn't it wonderful? Look, isn't it wonderful? Release the woman in you and enjoy that beauty."

And a month later...Roselia is the leader of the experiment, responsible for administering the injections to the new subjects. A subject is brought before her.

"I absolutely hate this! I don't want to be a woman!"

"You are the subject this time. Don't be afraid. This injection opens the door to unknown pleasures. Enjoy this sweet change with me."

She gives the injection and watches as the subject's body gradually transforms. As the transformation progresses, the subject's resistance weakens and he loses strength. When the transformation was complete, Roselia smiled kindly at the subject's new appearance.

'You too will learn to accept your new self.

The End

This time, the subject was an interesting one: a soldier becomes a nurse by injection, so I created the story with the help of ChatGPT because it was a good opportunity.

I think TSF has many different tastes, but I love the process of the main character being forced to transform and become addicted to the pleasures of women, so I created my story in that direction.

Thank you CornCobBob for the request!



































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