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1) Sonic suit Option Three: Some of Tea's friends show up at her front door; but it turns out that they had something totally different in mind for what exactly they will be doing; with some people in their group grabbing onto Tea so as to hold her still, while others are busy locating one of her kinkier outfits for her to wear!

2). Sonic suit Tea will suit up as any female Sonic character as she chose. Cream The Rabbit.  Amy Rose. Rouge The Bat.  Blaze The Cat.

3) A racing game bet Despite how much the odds were against him, Yugi pulled off a flawless victory against Tea. Winning all the rewards that came with it, as Tea now had to listen to whatever Yugi said without any restrictions. Now starts Tea's month of being Yugi's latex pet

4) Begin there's a knock on the door and when Tea opens it, Mai, Serenity and Ishizu (all over 18) are revealed on the other side

5) Searching troug disguises .As Tea's searching through her costumes, she comes across a Dark Magician Girl outfit and bodysuit,


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