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This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.2.41 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: This is a bug fix release.
Fixed a problem that caused Plugin to behave erratically when the list of Plugins loaded into a scene contained red text (i.e., not loaded properly) or blank fields. Support from a1942y was very helpful in resolving this issue. Thanks, a1942y!
Also, "HeadMotion" and "AutoStop Head" are now synchronized On/Off.

  • Fixed: The operation of EBAT is abnormal when there is an incompletely loaded Plugin. My Plugin refers to the PluginList of CustomUI, and there was a problem that EBAT did not work correctly when there was a Plugin in this PluginList whose loading state was abnormal. This has been resolved.
  • Tweak: Synchronization of HeadMotion On/Off and AutoStop HeadControl On/Off. These settings are now linked.


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