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This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here.[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.9 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: With this release I have added one of the features I have wanted to implement for a long time. This is the most important feature of this update !
This feature takes away Morph and Pose control from motion capture and animation patterns embedded in the scene, and overrides them with facial and head movements in this plugin.
This feature can be used to prevent the face from collapsing due to the double application of expressions in the existing scene and expressions in this plugin, or to enhance the realism of the existing scene by adding head movements of this plugin to match the climax.
Several other features have been added or modified.

  • Added: Morph and motion control takeover and override. This feature takes away Morph and Pose control from motion captures and animation patterns embedded in the scene, and overwrites them with the expressions and head movements of this plugin.
    This feature takes control only temporarily, taking control only during climax, and returning to the original behavior when the excitement subsides.
    However, the movements created by the timeline could not be partially taken away from the control, so if you want to stop the timeline movements, you will need to limit the timeline movements themselves with the AutoStop Plugin feature.
  • Modified: Change in body movements during climax (Full Ver. Only). So far, this Plugin has made a slight change to the Pose of the hands and feet during climax.
    However, since this sometimes interferes with the motion of the scene, I changed the behavior at climax. I limited the poses to Abdomen and Pelvis, which are less likely to conflict with other scenes, and used Morph for Pose to express the contraction of the belly during climax.
    In addition, the expression of these climaxes can be changed in detail. However, the settings are complicated, so I will not explain them individually.
  • Modified: Changed the categorization of the UI to make it easier to hide unused functions. This is hard to describe in words, but you'll understand it as soon as you operate it.
  • Added: UI display position setting. The initial display position of the UI in the world can be changed from CustomUI.
  • Fixed: House Keeping. Unnecessary garbage Atom remains when this Plugin is reloaded repeatedly in the same scene.
  • Tweak: Change in startup timing. Fixed internal startup timing to be more appropriate.


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