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So most likely tomorrow I will watch the remaining request from the last subscriber tombola. That would be from Matthew McGee, who made me smile by assigning me another Mikio Naruse. So next up is 1954's Sound of the Mountain (now on Criterion Channel). As Nictate would say, "come at me, Naruse."

Before mentioning the next three lucky "winners," I just wanted to throw this out. Ever notice how on the classic ABC Pyramid show with Dick Clark, the pair who got the most answers and headed to the Winners Circle were designated "winners," in scare quotes? I suspect this was a way to tell the viewer that "winners" was not another clue for the pair to guess. Still, even as a young kid I found this amusing. Like hey, this guy is a regional sales manager for Ace Hardware based in Newport News, VA. But look at him now! He's a "winner."

Our next pickers:




Looking forward to your choices. And as always, thanks to all of you for your loyal support.


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