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I have been a bit distracted from watching older movies lately, mostly because of year-end polls. Now I am not sure how to proceed. What do you think?



Since you've praised Peter Greenaway and lamented how forgotten he is these days, he'd make an interesting Director of the Month.


I was going to say something along the lines of that it'd be great to see you write about films that you were passionate about and hadn't written about before. Whether it's via a director of the month structure or a personal canon, I dunno - either way, Greenaway's a great idea - but as much as reading eviscerations of bottom tier Cannes entries is entertaining I'd love to see you watching stuff that's life-giving, not life-sapping.


I wasn't expecting such a blow-out, but the random-subscriber thing is clearly a go, along with my usual randomness (which is never exactly random, but you get the idea). So yeah, cool.