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I receive email notifications when someone new joins this Patreon. And I was confused today by a sudden uptick (to put it mildly) in subscribers. As it happens, it was all due to the great Peter Labuza, who cited my last post approvingly on the Twitter Dot Com. Thanks, Peter!

But I also want to welcome and thank these brand new readers (or in a few cases, some repeat offenders) who kindly help me pay my bills.

Tdf mann

Miles Davis (??!)

Kevin Wall

Ryan Conrath

Craig Lindsey (welcome back!)

Beatriz Rivas

Joe Bandy

Nathan Labonté

Antonio Gray

Dane Engelhart

Forrest Cardamenis

Austin Landry

...two late-breaking additions,

David Cahill

and Jesse Furgurson

and last but not least,


Welcome to all.

One housekeeping note: I will write about No Bears, but I would like to give it a second viewing before I do. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is a Major Film.


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