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Miklós Jancsó, that is! The Hungarian master, who shone brightly in the 60s and 70s, fell out of favor in the 80s, and is now making a comeback here in the 20s, is April's Director of the Month. Actually, very few of these films are available online, so I will most likely purchase the Kino Blu-ray set. But for now, I do have a copy of  Round-Up (not affiliated with the Monsanto Corporation), so I'll get started on that.

And I haven't forgotten about 1972. This month's selection: Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan. Ooh, sexy!



With <i>Red Psalm</i> (1972), you can kill two birds with one stone. Saw it recently as part of the Kino restorations making their way around, and it is so so bugfuck. Curious to read your thoughts on it.

Steven Carlson

I think I probably said this at the time, but... INTIMATE CONFESSIONS is so fucking awesome. And not the film you're likely expecting!


Jancso's 1970 LA PACIFISTA seems to be a film maudit - Kino Lorber decided not to include in their retro of his films from that period - but it's available on rarefilmm. A Monica Vitti/Pierre Clementi vehicle about '60s radicals surely has some interest.