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Hi all,

Just a note to say I've been a bit tied up with the day job, so I haven't posted as much as I'd like. But shortly I will have reviews up for the Media City Film Festival, which I'm currently working through. I also hope to finally see Jackass Forever this weekend, and watch the Dominik Graf film I've had on my hard drive for almost exactly one year. Time sure flies.

But I did want to take a moment to thank you for your patronage. Truth is, I am luckier than most, since I have a job that is both stable and only moderately demanding. By which I mean, it affords me the time to follow my passion, which is the close analysis of cinema.  This Patreon has not only provided me with an "excuse" to keep writing -- the responsibility to post things for you, the paying reader. It has also helped me have a very reassuring financial cushion when I've needed it. Money from your pledges has helped pay for veterinary bills, health care for my son, and at this very moment, the replacement of my broken range-top.

All of which is to say, I cannot thank you enough. When I think about younger writers who are hustling to scratch out a living, pitching stories and waiting anxiously for those ever-delayed freelance checks, I remember how fortunate I am. I am free to write about what I want, and I can take the time to produce the work my way, without looming deadlines. 

As things continue to evolve on the capitalist Internet, more and more websites demand a constant flow of "content." The more provocative, or even offensive, the better. "Hitchcock is overrated!" "Diversity is killing Star Wars!" "Drive My Car is elitist grief porn!" The net result of this, of course, is that fewer and fewer writers are respected for their craft. If you won't hammer out that listicle, no worries! Bobby the intern will do it. As if we needed more evidence of this sorry state of affairs, consider G/O Media's revolting treatment of the AV Club team -- they were fired en masse, but for a minor technicality of being given the "opportunity" to uproot their lives and move to L.A.

I digress. I just wanted to tell you all that I am incredibly grateful to you, not just for the financial support (which helps!), but for the vote of confidence in my work that your subscription reflects. In the immortal words of Oliver Laxe, You are all captains.

Also: that's too many tiles in that Scrabble tray.



Thank you very much for your writing, Michael. After a lot of years reading your work I can say you have illuminated many films for me and influenced my thinking of film in general. I'm glad you are able to write as you wish. May I ask: is the Graf film Fabian, oder Der Gang vor die Hunde?