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Just an update: I have not forgotten about the July director-of-the-month poll, but have decided to delay it by a few days. I want to get a couple more Archers films under my belt, but June has been a wild month, with my son coming back home from New Jersey (with his best friend and their dog and cat in tow), a lot of house-related insanity (new AC, new roof), and of course I'm also teaching an online summer class until July 3rd.

And I've been watching a lot of films by local filmmakers, as I try to put together a program for the Houston Cinema Arts Festival. (Those films are listed on my Films Seen page on The Academic Hack, but I am not rating or reviewing them, for obvious reasons.)

Not that you subscribe to this Patreon for personal updates and bloggy asides. I would love to keep in strictly professional, like such friends and colleagues as Mike D'Angelo, Willow Maclay, and Jordan Cronk. Alas, I am more like the film-criticism equivalent of your crazy uncle, with too many irons in the fire and a touch of ADHD.

Tomorrow, I am going to try again to see my first film in a movie theater since (...checks log...) November 2019, when I was presenting my own experimental film program at Rice Cinema for the HCAF. (So the last film, technically, was Ja'Tovia Gary's The Giverny Document, which is not a bad place to stop.) It will either be The Sparks Brothers at 10:35am, or The Sparks Brothers at 10:05pm. In either case, I won't be wearing my Sunday best.

Watch this space, for something!


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