Getting to Know You... (Happy 2021) (Patreon)
We made it! 2021. In these deeply unsettled times, I want to offer my gratitude for all of you who have continued to set money aside to support my writing. It means more than you can know.
As a small token of appreciation, I want to give you all a bit more say over what I watch in 2021. (Within reason, of course!) Today, I am kicking off a new feature here. At the end of each month (not counting now, which is of course the top of the month), I am going to conduct a poll.
Below is a list of major filmmakers whose work I do not know as well as I should. I have listed the options, along with a number in parentheses, noting how many films by said director I have seen. Each month I will make that director the Filmatist of the Month, and will concentrate my rep viewing on that director. Filling in gaps, etc.
For now, I am offering a selection of directors for whom I have seen five films or less. I may up that number as we go along, since there are some directors I should still know better,despite their prolific output (e.g., Griffith, Ozu, Rivette).
I look forward to the results!