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Just a brief word on the Rose Garden Massacre super-spreader event, and the illness of President Trump and others.

I have seen all sorts of things on social media, mostly written in desperation, by Republican loyalists. A lot of them are conspiracy theories, people wondering why no Democrats have contracted COVID-19. So bizarre, right? (Silly! George Soros sent us the vaccine months ago.) But I guess when your ideology is based on a refutation of basic, observable reality, there's really no place you're not willing to go. (Trump didn't exactly stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot random Americans. But pretty close, right?)

My sincere advice: take the L. 

Trump was going to lose this election anyway. But now, with this dramatic turn of events, Republicans have a beautiful counter-history with which to console themselves. Trump would have absolutely gotten four more years, but the poor guy's presidency was felled by that damned corona virus -- something nobody could have predicted, and something that clearly isn't his fault. He wuz robbed.

So there you have it. A non-losery loser narrative that allows Trump and Trumpists to continue to occupy their very favorite position: victims. Just remember: for one brief, shining moment, it was Dumbalot.


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