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Well folks, if you came here looking for my hot-to-lukewarm take on Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood, you're out of luck. As the debates rage on throughout The Film Twitter and elsewhere amongst the Interwebs, I have not had time to see that particular White Elephant. I've had a lot of work to do, in various areas of my life.

But more significantly, once I see the film (sometime next week, maybe), I don't expect to have a lot to say about it. I might be surprised, but frankly, I feel no compelling urge to weigh in. I mean, is there a current director anywhere on the cultural landscape more impervious to The Discourse? Do we really think Quentin Tarantino gives a shit what we think about his movies? Even Spielberg seems more interested in the critical responses to his films.

So I'm going to be investing my time where it matters. I'm starting to preview experimental films for my upcoming program in November, and I'll be writing up reviews of those as I see them. This will certainly be more helpful to me, since these reviews will serve as viewing notes, helping me to remember what I thought about those films. And, perhaps, they will also be rough drafts for eventual program notes.

So if you're curious about new work by Joshua Gen Solondz, Ja'Tovia Gary, Ricky D'Ambrose, Björn Kämmerer, Philipp Fleischmann, Gina Telaroli, Erin Espelie, Ben Russell, Sky Hopinka, Andrew Kötting, Yuri Ancarani, and others, stay tuned....


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