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  • Cave-Elf-Blowjob.mp4



Hi there everyone!

Here we have the artworks I was able to finish in the past weeks!

As with the gif-pack post I just couldn't catch the time and possibility to upload them earlier.

These two artworks were initially meant for a second... GAME... but unfortunately I now just dont have much time to invest in such a big and time consuming project like a game.

Also I am not sure if you guys would even like a new game. After the feedback from my first game "Trixys-Treasures" I admit that it can be considered quite hart to play. So if I was able to make another game, it would probably be more relaxing, like a puzzler or point-and-click or something like that. 

Because actually (even if it was also quite the work) I REALLY enjoyed making Trixys-Treasures! And I would really like to do another small Game. Anyway as for now I sadly don't have the time to do so : ( But in case I catch the time, patience and creativity to make a new game, I just want to hear if you guys would even like that. 

So if you have the time, share your thoughts in the comments.

Long story short, have fun and enjoy!





Would need to know what kind of game, but interested to see your art in another adventure.


I would love a new game! Trixy's treasures was a fun, and unique take on the classic "reflex test" gameplay with a good amount of difficulty (that's part of fun after all).


I think a game could be a really fun idea Trixie's treasures I really enjoyed but I think maybe a point and click would be great or like a date simulator

That One Guy

If you wanna do a game, that's fine. As long as you listen to feedback and implement it like you did for your first game, it'll be worth it in the end. I just hope that if you do make a second one, you have more animations with a full body view of the characters than the first game.


Nice work KC 👍 Personally would like to see another game from you, only if and when you feel up for it. What's you opinion on a side-scroller platformer attempt? Something you think may be feasible? Or too big a task.


I would love longer videos from you! That's it from me really. =D


I'm with SilentJ on the idea of a different genre of game. Like maybe a visual novel or something like that. Maybe with the ability to choose between futa or female protag for futa x futa scenes depending on preference.


will you be continuing "paraoral experience" for halloween this year or something enitirely new?

This Guy That Guy

Trixy's Treasures was super fun. I'd totally be down with a sequel

Etienne Niorthe

I would rather have "long" video like what you did with the peach stuff, paraoral experience etc. A game would be fun but i would prefer an easier way to play, and maybe it is not worth the time spent on the developpement. I would prefer few videos than a game. Anyway this is up to you, you are still doing great job :) keep it up ! <3


If it can be played with one hand on my dick and the other controlling the game, I'm all for it :)


An easy-going game sounds nice. A point-and-click could let you put a lot of ideas into one place or maybe a choose-your-own-adventure style dungeon crawler. Whether a game or a longer animation, I'm sure you'll come up with something great!


Trixys Treasures was great, but I agree it was rather difficult to play with one hand lol. I think someone thing a little less reflex intensive like a point and click or something would be great.


I'd be hyped to see something with a similar theme, dungeon delving fantasy and such. For NSFW, it definitely could benefit from more chill gameplay like puzzles or VNs!

Frankh of Fethdor

I love that cave elf BJ scene. When it is public i think i will add sound to it. Very sexy. I didn't even know there was a keycock game out, I will have to go find it!


I’d love another game! Hopefully a main character that also likes to be fucked by other futas. More futa characters in general would be great

wing hero

the difficulty was not the problem. i think i mentioned it in another post but ill say it again, all you needed to make that game perfect was to add some things. replay and or save, when some one gets a game over you don't start them at the intro. when i was playing that was the most frustrating thing that annoying me to know end.


Making them more accessible to other devices would be appreciated. Also please make more of the Link between worlds!! That was muah chef's kiss


make a japanese style dating sim with animations instead of still images for the sex scenes


Another game would be cool! You’re usually strapped for time, so something simple again, but lower the difficulty so it’s a bit easier to play with one hand. ;)


Are we getting a Halloween vid this year?!? Peace & Love ❤