since I have already been able to inspire 15 Patrons for my art, I would like to THANK all my Patrons today for their support. As you can see from my publications, I work every free time on new animations, to please and delight you. I am currently working on a new animation for you, but this will take some time. in the meantime, I would like to release some earlyworks. Even if these do not correspond to the quality of my current work, they are still hot. I hope you enjoy my earlyworks. Please let me take part in your pleasure and push the LIKES well up. That motivates me a lot!! Do not be afraid to recommend me to friends and acquaintances. Each new Patron is welcome and becomes an important member of our community, just as all of my won Patrons already are! Thanks again for your support, stay tuned, there will be far more to see from my work! Have fun and enjoy!
Greetings your Trixy.