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Here's a poem I wrote just now, after my jog... which I think I'm still "allowed" to do as long as I keep a distance from passers-by (it feels insane to write this).

I didn't pay much attention to cadence or rhythm here and instead focused on a single, meaningless moment of stepping on a twig. As I wrote, I felt that it was an important reminder that even startling, loud, violent moments can sometimes be more benign than we think. We shouldn't give anything more power than it deserves. Sometimes even the scariest situations will become nothing but forgettable moments as time goes on, at worst, and great life lessons at best.

Tomorrow I think I will choose a specific rhyme scheme and see where it takes me.

I'm enjoying this - creating with no pressure. Thank you all for sharing all your pieces as well!

Have a good night, everyone.




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