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This photo (by Jeremy Saffer) is a little bonus print that went out with every Platinum and Blue Autumn Equinox Photo shipment.

On the back I included some instructions- you see, everyone ALSO received a little blue music note. But it’s not just a music note! By planting that note in soil and giving it a little tlc, each of us will be proud parents of a little flower garden soon! I thought this was a cool idea to think that we could all bring new life into the world in synchronicity - just the way a song hits people at the same time during a live show and creates this tangible new energy in the room.

So - let’s see what kind of gardens we get! And if you name your plants (like I do) let me know what their names are! 🤘

And- if you are not Platinum or Blue, never fear! I have a gift I hand out to Beastlings when I meet them at shows as well, so be sure to let me know you’re one of us when we meet! A little button for your battle vests and jackets featuring a photo by Tim Tronckoe!

Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!




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