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Hello Beastlings!

Thank you for being here! I have been busy working on physical items as well as 3 new and exciting avenues for us (which I will announce soon!). The Autumn Equinox photo shipments are almost all sent out and the Winter Solstice photo is in printing right now (sneak peeks for the Platinums and Blues soon)! I’ve also been preparing Loyalty Gift Box items for the Blues and of course, preparing for tour ;)

So, here’s just a dramatic self-portrait to bide our time while I work on lots of stuff in the background! I hope your weekend was fun and your are rested and ready to take on another week!!

Question for discussion (aka Alissa’s brain during the night, instead of sleeping):

Do you agree that memory is fiction (yup those are some of my lyrics)? We all remember events, people and places only from the lens of our own perception of those things; objectivity is almost impossible. Additionally, each time we recall a memory our mood, beliefs and prejudices slightly alter it to best fit our state of mind. So, distant memories are not reliable witnesses, ever. Is this a beautiful way our mind allows us to heal? A permanent euphemism over our past and built-in rose-coloured glasses? A way we are led to believe what we, subconsciously, are just choosing to be the truth? Or a flaw in the human brain? What do you think?





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