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Here’s a look at how the song Avalanche was conceived. Dammit I just realized the time stamp changed when I clicked the note - but it initially said January 28, 2014!

I initially wanted to call it Sweet Revenge or Power Trip, but these lyrics came pouring out of me like vomit. Like an exorcism. Like an avalanche of emotions. Hence the title that stuck ;)

I have a demo I did of this song on my own that included a 100% clean singing chorus, initially. We went back and forth trying to decide if it was “too soon” for clean vocals and eventually whittled the song into what it is today.

It’s a deeply personal song and I still get goosebumps and shivers every night when we perform it live, to the point that I sometimes can’t even sing it properly. Check my arms next time you see my performing it- you will probably see the goosebumps.

As always, thank you for being there, Beastlings!




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