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Today is Sunday, but I’m spending about 6 hours to preparing the May rewards for you guys! ❤️

After that maybe I will enjoy some games on PS4. If you’re curious about my PSN account, it is: @angryshark9397 ☺️

But, do you already know about this month rewards? If not, read this post please: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hello-beautiful-36577929

Which is your favorite set of May? And why? 🤗💞


Want to see Potato lewd side everyday? Sub my ONLYFANS.COM/POTATO2307

There are just have selfie contents, but it’s lewd, and exclusive 😏❤️




Potachan, do you play monster hunter on ps4?


Nah I don’t, was play it few days on PC, I love the graphics and design of that game, but it’s not my type :(((((


Have a great Sunday Pota I love your cosplay so much Good luck on the games you play And have a Sunday funday Also I liked the first set Because swimsuits are my favourite


Have a fun sunday pota I liked your third set because i really like tifa from final fantasy 7


I'm going with bikini potato because you are in a bikini


Really looking forward for tifa ❤ Im currently playing ark survival and ff7 remake


Hi Pota-chan Don't work too much and take some time for you. Your well-being is very important And yes I see your plan and I'm so hyped by your aerith, my waifu 🥰🥰 Have a nice Sunday


Hey Pota-chan! Love the plans! What games do you usually play?


My favorite May set is Tifa, so much so that I upped my pledge just to get it. You look GREAT as her, raven black hair really suits you.


Great! Looking forward to the rewards this month! You make a perfect Tifa & super adorable Aerith! I hope you are doing well and have a great Sunday! 💖


Thank you for your hard work! You should quickly end so that you can enjoy some PS4 moments. (i envy those PSN accounters then 🥺) You are always surprising me with the quality of your sets and talents all behind. 🥰💖 I always love "casual" the more closer than Plain Potato. 🥰 I cannot hide the fact that i will enjoy the rest of your sets equally. I am a neutral boring guy. Stay Safe and Healthy! Enjoy your Sunday evening. 🌹🌹🌹


I think i'm waiting for Aerith the most, the dress and wig look fantastic, i loved the details, so beautiful and charming cosplay 😍