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I can't believe it has been exactly 1 year since I used Patreon  (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) 
1 year has passed, I have made many new friends, lots of encouragement, new experiences and new lessons.  I really thank everyone for always being with me.   ♡ ~('▽^人) 
1 year may seem short with someone but it's really long for me.  I've been through a lot of things, happy and sad.  And most importantly, everyone who was by my side at the time, I was truly grateful.
There are no words to describe my mood right now, I really want to do something special for you.  Perhaps a small set of photos will help me replace the thanks I want to say.

 ❤  DOWNLOAD LINK: <expired>

Download link will be avaiable til the end of this month!


Thank you for spend time to read Potato's words *sending virtual hug*  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ 




Happy cake day Pota-chan You can be proud of what you have accomplished, you're really a great artist, you always do wonderful pics I will do my best to support you and I wish you the best Big hugs ♥♥♥


Dear... i am so moved by your speech. 😥 Wishing i could hug you! 🤗😚😘 You have climbed so many steps and so many are yet to be climb. By thanking us, that proves your humility and gratefulness towards your fans and patrons. I am deeply happy to be a part of it, i'll follow you even more now intensively now. Your heart is as big as Godzilla, and as sweet as a Potato! 🥰 Thank you my sweet personal succubus, happy 1st anniversary, may this not be the last and continue for a long time! I love you and hug you! 💕💕💕💕


Am I the only one who can't open the link? I am new her Congratulations on your first anniversary Potato ❤️


Oops sorry...i manage to open it using browser.. Cheers potato chan ❤️


Congratulations, and thanks a lot for the free set.


Adorable set! And congrats! You do deserve your patreons ;)

Charles W Jansen II

Been fun being with my Potato Daughter for a year. Enjoyed watching you grow as an artist and a person. I wish you many more years of success. and will be with you everystep of the way.


congrats my dear potato! 😘😘😘


We love you potatoe and we'll always be here for you, moving up tier soon


No active link 🤔


Link not working for me 😭

Hector Rodriguez

Thanks a lot Potato!!! i'm really glad to have found about your cosplay works ^^