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Howdy Patrons,

AltStore 2.0 RC is now available! This update includes all the last bits of polish before we release 2.0 for everyone — including our brand new icon ✨ But we didn’t stop with just one, we also added over 15 unique app icons for you to choose from and customize AltStore however you’d like 🎨

This also includes the last few bug fixes to prepare for the public version of 2.0, which we plan to release next month. Thank you for all the help testing this release - we couldn’t do any of this without you!

As for the EU version of AltStore, please stay tuned. We’ll have more to share on that shortly 🙂


Riley + Shane

Installation Instructions

If you’re already using the AltStore beta, you can try updating to this version from the My Apps tab. Alternatively, you can manually update AltStore by reinstalling it with the appropriate attached AltServer (you do not need to delete AltStore first).

If you're installing the beta for the first time, make sure to first link your Patreon account in the Settings tab and then follow these instructions.

Release Notes


App Icon

  • Brand new app icon

  • Choose alternate app icons in Settings


  • Added social media follow buttons to Settings



  • Supports JSON5 for sources

  • Improved marketplace source error messages

  • Throws error if marketplace app is missing buildVersion

  • Throws error when adding marketplace source to non-marketplace AltStore (and vice versa)

  • Includes missing last Coding Path value for DecodingError.keyNotFound


  • Supports custom pledge amounts

  • Updated Patreon sign-out alert message to apply to all pledged apps

  • Includes additional Patreon values in analytics


  • Changed "WiFi" spelling to "Wi-Fi"

  • Displays version # for updates in My Apps tab

  • Dismiss full-screen screenshots with swipe gesture

  • Hides "REMOVE" button in navigation bar if source is already added

  • Updated social media URLs for Credits section in Settings

  • Rethrows Core Data save errors after installing apps vs ignoring


  • Fixed various issues when installing apps before adding source

  • Fixed not updating featured apps installation status on source detail page

  • Fixed not showing "more updates" button when there are more than 2 updates

  • Fixed missing blur when pushing AppViewController onto modal navigation controller

  • Fixed incorrect corner radius animation for app + source detail screens

  • Fixed "transformable properties not using secure transformer" runtime warnings

  • Fixed "unsatisfiable constraints" runtime error for InstalledAppsCollectionFooterView

  • Fixed not showing toast view if error occurs during initial sources fetch


All the new app icons including 6 "Modern," 5 "Gradient," 3 "Recessed," and 3 "Classic"
All the new app icons including 6 "Modern," 5 "Gradient," 3 "Recessed," and 3 "Classic"



Hey with this update, it now says my pledge expired and it won’t let me relogin with my google account.

JChin Cruz

Idk what to do I keep getting the message -There is no provisioning profile with the requested identifier on this team- Whenever I try to download Delta.


Let me know if you still have issues. There are some problems with google if you try to sign in anywhere besides Settings - sorry for the inconvenience!

Rj mcflarjay

I have the similar issue. Mainly just trying to connect the Google account to Patreon.

Paul Kerrigan

Help - can no longer link Patreon account as the sign in no longer works - just get a blank screen after signing in.


The mac attachment is still 1.8b! Please attach the updated one!


Google seems to be having some issues when signing in through the store page. The best way to fix this is to relaunch the app and sign in through settings. If you still have any issues, please send us a DM so we can respond in more detail there.


Any chance of fixing the "persistent store migration" error? (NSCocoaErrrorDomain Code 134110)

Ian Brown

Great work as usual on AltStore, AltServer, and the latest features! I understand iOS 17's got some unique challenges regarding JIT Streaming. That all said, there's a couple things I'd really appreciate and like to see and would benefit everyone here greatly: - A Guide to Uninstalling and Reinstalling AltJIT for iOS 17 (macOS section) - AltJIT Compilation - Containers - Looking into ‘MobileDevice’? - Some sort of official containerization (for stable and/or unstable releases) - Homebrew availability
- Multiple Account Management - Better “Check for Updates” Button More Uninstall, Cleanup Guides (esp. for AltJIT): Providing uninstall instructions alongside installation guides is a helpful rule of thumb and verbose error messaging. I've encountered errors (both addressed in the docs and not) after following the provided instructions, and it's been confusing and frustrating not being able to easily not to recreate or rollback to prior setups to better understand what and where things are going wrong, especially with the Beta. AltJIT Compilation: If it’s not possible already, I would love to be able to have the option to compile AltJIT from source. Containers:
Having some official containerization would be great for beta and stable releases, especially when it comes to troubleshooting issues. “MobileDevice”: Looking into JIT Streaming and the errors I’ve gotten from trying to enable AltJIT, I came across MobileDevice ** and wonder if it might help? A “CLI for Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device Framework” (Homebrew) and am just wondering if you think it could help with the current iOS 17 issues at all? * https://github.com/imkira/mobiledevice * https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/mobiledevice#default Speaking of Homebrew…. Homebrew Integration!: Exploring the possibility of including AltStore, AltJIT, etc. in Homebrew would be great. Multiple Account Management: Since AltStore uses a signing slot, could we get an easier way (UX/UI) to switch or manage multiple accounts both in desktop and mobile application? Would to have the option to save my credentials and just select a desired account to sign X app with from like a dropdown list. Providing a count next to account names showing remaining signing slots would be helpful. Check for Updates Button:
 For the beta releases of AltServer the Check for Updates button doesn’t work, it always just says I’m up to date even when there's been a new beta release.

Ian Brown

Sorry, ignore the part about building from source, I think I see that you actually can!

Edward Vargas

Is there somethign wrong with downloading the youtube app? Because no matter which version I try to download it doesn't seem to work.

Dipan Thakker

I'm having the same login issue with google. shows a blank screen. Just trying to re-link my account. sent you a DM


I didn’t get it. Just set a password on Patreon and login that way


Hello! How to find AltStore Source link for Folium/Sudachi?

Quinton Wedemann

Is it possible alt server can make my think it’s jail broken can use certain apps since I installed alt server


Just went to update my apps on AltStore said my pledge expired WTF just made a payment on PayPal on Mar 1, 2024




Yeah my AltStore beta is showing as pledge expired but the regular AltStore shows the pledge still ongoing. Must be an issue in the current version?


+1 to having my Patreon pledge showing as expired in the AltStore beta app but not in the mainline release.

Will Andrew

How do you download this on iOS?


to understand better, download from altstore standard procedure, then make it beta? in the future if all goes well, will I have to download other non-beta versions, or will I update the one I have without losing saves or settings? thanks for the clarification

Jan Dudek

Hi, to install the beta directly on my phone, I still need an AltServer on my PC to link my Patreon account. Do I understand this correctly? Thanks!

snabel a

You need to install regular AltStore through regular AltServer then link Patreon account inside AltStore from your phone


same here, no beta


No beta :(

. .

I don’t have access to the beta of AltStore.

Vincent D

No beta too :(

Karol Kordys

New member no beta WTF ?


New Members! We have made edits to the FAQ instructions as there is an issue with AltStore 1.7 and Patreon. If you download the beta AltServer version attached to this post and use it to install the AltStore Beta, this will grant access and allow you to connect your Patreon. Sorry for the inconvenience! Please DM us if you still can't get access.

ian depasquale

I can’t link my Patreon to AltStore app