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Hi Patrons,

Last week, Apple announced its plans to allow alternative "app marketplaces" in the EU. With that, we announced that we will be launching an official version of AltStore that works like a normal app store — no refreshing or computer necessary. We're currently in the process of fulfilling the necessary requirements to be approved as an app marketplace by Apple, and we plan to release an EU version of AltStore in March.

So what does this all mean for you? Well, if you live in the EU, this means you'll now be able to finally use AltStore without a computer! And if you're not in the EU, don't worry, the current version of AltStore isn't going anywhere, and we will continue to release new betas for all our apps. In other words, the Patreon isn't changing.

We're very excited about this opportunity to launch as a legitimate app store in the EU, and we couldn't have gotten here without all of you! We hope this is just the first step and that eventually everyone can sideload without all the hassles — but for now, we're very happy for our European friends 🇪🇺




However, Windows owners running iOS (17.4) will not be able to use Jit! Is there any solution for that?!


Amazing! What kind of limitations will this official AltStore have compared to the current one? Are all sources allowed? Can I use JIT?


Will we get Clip in the AppStore AltStore?

George Kontus

Apparently sideloading won’t be enabled for those who live in the UK


Importantly, the alternate marketplace is not only for the EU, but also only for iPhone. For ipad and appletv sideloading doesn't change from how it's always worked,


I signed up for Patreon a while back to support but when I had to cancel my membership the alt store disabled my ability to refresh. How can I get back to the original version that wouldn’t force me to be a patreon?

Jordon Sabo

How do I spoof my phone to show up as an EU phone lol


will all the apps available on the current version also be available on the EU apple version ? or would app developers have to resubmit to the EU version of the altstore?

Brandon Bakkers

How's the progress of Altstore Appstore

Davide Fraterno

Hi! I sent and email to Riley but maybe here I have more chances to be seen. I am not able to install AltStore into my iPhone, could you please help me?