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Hi Everyone! 

Just a quick update announcement today - we've released a small patch for AltServer that fixes an issue causing timeouts while enabling JIT on iOS 17. This is only a minor change, so we're also releasing this fix for everyone now. However, if you're using the beta version of AltServer and have this issue, you can download the attached AltServer beta with the fix.

Release Notes

AltServer 1.7.1b (macOS only)

  • Increases default AltJIT timeout to 90 seconds
  • Change AltJIT timeout via defaults Terminal command:
defaults write com.rileytestut.AltServer JITTimeout [seconds]
  • Adds --timeout argument to altjit CLI tool



Me Too


Hi. I can't make AltJIT to work in my mac M1 Max 14.1.2 and iPadOS, iPOS 17.x. It gives me a this error: Could not connect to the device. Error: No such command 'start-quit-tunnel How can I fix this?


just joined does this support tvOS I lost my jailbreak on it and had to update Apple TV thanks


where can I find the beta with the fix?


For me it's not working on iOS 17 - macOS Sonoma 14.2 (JIT). No matter what troubleshooting I use I can't use JIT (iPhone 15 Pro Max not iPad M1)

Jason Crawford

Reposting as same for this build: Unable to connect Patreon with this build. I can get through oAuth and allow access but every time it sends me back to the app I get "Operation Failed. The data couldn't be read because it is missing."

Alessander Goulart

I can’t enable JIT Support anyway… MacOS Monterey + iPad Pro M2. Can help me?

Ian Brown

AltServer - Version 1.7.2b (85) AltStore 2.0b6 (25) AltJIT Error Description The process 'altjit' failed with code 1. The process 'python3' failed with code 1. pyo3_runtime.PanicException: Python API call failed Failure Reason The process 'altjit' failed with code 1. The process 'python3' failed with code 1. pyo3_runtime.PanicException: Python API call failed Title JIT could not be enabled for Play!. Source Line 96 executableURL file:///Applications/AltServer.app/Contents/MacOS/altjit exitCode 1 output Mounting personalized developer disk... ❌ Unable to mount personalized Developer Disk. The process 'python3' failed with code 1. pyo3_runtime.PanicException: Python API call failed