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Hey Everyone!

We are excited to announce that the first beta of AltStore 2.0 is now available! This officially marks the beginning of our journey to release sources for everyone 🙌

This first beta comes with a new source About page that includes detailed information related to the source, such as:

📰 Latest News items for that source

📲 Any "Featured Apps" showcasing the best apps available on that source

📝 Extended "About" section with more detailed information and additional links.

You'll see this new About page when adding a source by URL or via Trusted Sources. This new UI will give developers an opportunity to show off their source, and allow users to preview sources before adding them.

We've also added a new "source guide" to our FAQ to help developers make their own source. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to create your own source (with examples), so if you are interested in publishing apps on AltStore, now is a great time! Just head over to our new Make A Source page on the FAQ for more information.

Once again, thank you for your continued support and please feel free to reach out to us with feedback. We hope you enjoy using AltStore 2.0 beta 1!


Riley + Shane

Release Notes


Source "About" Page

  • Preview sources before adding them to AltStore
  • Browse all apps and news for a source
  • "About" section includes detailed information about a source as well as any additional links
  • "Featured Apps" section showcases a source's best apps
  • Customizable with updated source JSON format


  • Enforces consistent minimum size for `PillButton`
  • Updates `AppViewController` to use `UINavigationBarAppearance` APIs


  • Fixed error fetching Friend Zone patrons due to unexpected nil name
  • Fixed incorrect cell height for some News items
  • Fixed `CollapsingTextView` “TextKit 1 compatibility mode” runtime warning
  • Fixed incorrectly merging app versions for same app from different sources
  • Fixed migration error on launch if AltStore app group does not exist
  • Fixed "missing app group" error if AltStore app group is not the first one listed in `Info.plist`

Installation Instructions

If you’re already using the AltStore beta, you can update to this version from the My Apps tab.

If you're installing the beta for the first time, make sure to first link your Patreon account in the Settings tab by following these instructions: https://faq.altstore.io/patreon/altstore-beta




“anus tart”


Gotta love the Arrested Dev reference! 😂 most epic patreon post ever.


Thanks Guys! you rock


On ios, tried to install the update and now all I get is a black screen. I'm plugged into my computer and everything is trusted. Any suggestions?


thank you guys


So I updated the AltStore to 1.6.3 and now my Delta and DolphinIOS Apps don’t refresh correctly. What do I do? I tried reinstalling AltStore twice already and it hasn’t worked


Hi Why can I download only 3 programs?


All in all I like the AltStore app but it doesn't work anymore. Installing apps sideloaded or even from the AltStore portal crashes at 90-95% and Altstore can't open anymore until reinstalling from AltServer. But doing that ends in the same result. People on Twitter already pointed that out more than a week ago and it's really not fair from you not eben responding or calridy certain troubles to people trying to Support you financially.


Yes, same here. I am a new member as of yesterday and I can’t even download the beta app at all because the domain crashes I hope my time and days will be compensated.


Please let me know if you get in touch with anybody to resolve this because I’m having the same issue


After updating, AltStore now shows a blank gray screen and nothing else. It asked for network and notification permission, then nothing.


anus tart


error instal, need help


Every time I try to install 2.0 from the above file for Mac, it installs the version 1.6rc. I'm running the beta altstore, I've tried downloading, installing, uninstalling, redownloading. It is still the same 1.6rc


Yes wonderful, you buy the membership, you think you get the working version, but nothing........main thing on twitter post: works with ios 16.5


I try and download altstore on ios and it says something about cant verify due to network or wifi then i click on altstore app on laptop and it says I cant update the app from were it was downloaded how in the world do I fix that

Thomas Vogts

Having the same issue. Just connect your phone to your PC via USB. It will "verify" AltStore. If you are unable to open it just go ahead and re install it via AltServer