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Hello everybody! Today we are rolling out a second beta for AltStore 1.6.1 to hopefully fix an issue with Windows Defender incorrectly flagging the previous beta as potentially harmful.

We assure you that everything is perfectly safe, and you should now be able to update AltStore without warnings from your antivirus protection. Please let us know if you still experience issues so that we can make sure to address this fully before releasing it to the public.


Riley + Shane

Release Notes

  • Fixes triggering false positives with some malware detectors

Installation Instructions

If you’re already using the AltStore beta, you can update to this version from the My Apps tab.

If you're installing the beta for the first time, make sure to first link your Patreon account in the Settings tab by following these instructions: https://faq.altstore.io/patreon/altstore-beta




You guys are the best!


I’m on iOS 16.3.1 will beta Not work for me?


iPhone 12 iOS 16.4 I am having to reinstall Altstore on phone daily and apps are very slow to refresh, frequently failing out.


"Unable to check for updates. A Core Data error occurred." after installing. Could you provide more descriptive errors, so I can solve this?


I removed and readded a source from my 'Sources' page and that fixed it. Getting the beta version could also help.


How can I remove the limit of 7 days and 3 ids? I'm already a patreon Early Adopter. thank you


How can I remove the limit of 7 days and 3 ids? I'm already a patreon Early Adopter. This message appears: "You cannot register more than 10 App IDs within a 7 day period. Delete sideloaded apps to free up App ID slots. You can register another App ID in 7 days."


updated to latest macOS dev beta and am getting incompatible mail plug-in


Yes, this is a sources issue and you can follow these instructions for any source causing issues. Most recently though, for PojavLauncher users these instructions are needed to fix the error - https://twitter.com/altstoreio/status/1627807467584253952?s=20


Is this still true after the latest mail plugin updates? You can always keep up with info regarding beta OS updates here - https://twitter.com/AltCompatible


i did everything to remove the 3 app limit including flipping the enforce app limit but it’s telling me i reached the max limit of installed apps. i’m getting this error code AltServer.ServerError 2009

Kordian Ledzion

I'm pretty sure you need paid developer apple program for that. paid sideloading services are paid mainly for this reason.

Kordian Ledzion

Hey, using "Change icon" option makes app unusable both from normal and AltStore standpoint. Needed to reinstall it. No biggie, just reporting


so to be sure what is the new version I'm on 1.6.2b so is the new version 1.6.1?