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Get ready to add Delta to your iStage™

Delta now fully supports Stage Manager on iPadOS 16, bringing a slew of cool new features that have never been seen before in an iPad app. Specifically, this beta supports our new prototype “multitasking” controller skins that always appear as full size controllers, regardless of the size of your game window — making using Delta with Stage Manager a breeze in any orientation! For the landscape DS skin specifically, we even moved the touch screen into the controller itself to ensure you always have a full size touch screen available (plus it just looks a lot better!). For those lucky enough to have an M1 iPad running the iOS 16 beta, this is the version of Delta you’ve been waiting for 🥳

If you don’t have an M1 iPad though, don’t worry — this beta also fully supports classic iPad Split View multitasking! This means you can play Delta side-by-side with a second app, or put Delta in Slide Over and just bring it on screen whenever you’d like for a quick 5min gaming session. It may not be as fancy as Stage Manager, but it works like a charm 💫

Supporting all these different configurations required a bunch of changes to the codebase, but we’ve done our best to test as many use cases as we could to give y’all the best experience possible. That being said, if you do notice any weird layout issues as you play around with this beta, please don’t hesitate to report them!

This beta also comes with a number of improvements and bug fixes as well to enhance the Delta iPad experience:


  • Supports Split View and Stage Manager multitasking on iPad
  • Automatically pauses + resumes emulation when switching between foreground apps with Stage Manager
  • Updated controller skins always span full width of device, even when Delta is not full screen (e.g. when using Split View, Slide Over, or Stage Manager)
  • Supports controller skins with new `placement` parameter
  • Supports controller skins with custom screens that don’t have explicit `outputFrame`


  • Fixed not detecting keyboard presses when remapping inputs
  • Fixed potential crash rendering game screen after changing EAGLContext
  • Fixed incorrect game screen frame when software keyboard appears on iOS 16
  • Fixed software keyboard sometimes appearing when not emulating anything

There’s still much more to come to iPad, and we’ll continue to roll out new features in the coming betas - so stay tuned for more!




Big, exciting update, thank you. Any news on when thumbstick controller mapping will be fixed? I was hoping with the keyboard fixes that xbox controllers would be as well, but still unable to manually map thumbsticks.


Hiii is there a way to link my Patreon to two different Apple IDs using AltStore? I have two phones with different AltStore accounts. I used to be able to Link my Patreon account to both and have access to the beta. Is that not a thing anymore?

Kyon Esdelle

I want to control the game on iPad using my iPhone as the controller

Kyon Esdelle

How do i install betas


I’m not sure if anyone else has encountered a bug with gba controllers not maintaining their set opacity and correct layout if you leave the app and come back. Is there a best way to report this for Riley?