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left- kirin from monster hunter. right- commission 

the majority response from the feedback survey was more recordings/more hows-it-made posts. i'll do my best ;w; i'm no teacher tho so i hope things make sense. i remembered to record the start of these! let's see if i remember to record finishing them too lmao 

honestly not much to show this time. i spent the last 2 weeks absolutely wasting my time working for this guy who was so rude i just quit ://  

top- personal (remember that big leaf monster? it's spring time for big leafy)
lil pixels- commission or reward sprites 

i'm redoing the autumn ho-oh collab i made with @jdzombi_ last year :> why? just for funsies. (i got asked why and im still like. short circuiting) 

the individual tree files 
