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Two posts in one day, as a treat, 

the purple was a lucky accident. i just wanted to highlight the dress but was like yes rad this purple is working 

a surprisingly large amount of the drawing time was dedicated to drawing to draw the boobs just right. probably not surprisingly actually haha 

gold is an excellent accent colour (also i needed more bright colours to tie in with the cats) went with lineless for the gold bc it was really cluttered when it was lined. also helps the gold to stay an accent and not overwhelm 

cat cloud was another happy accident. i thought the smoke was either too distracting or didnt have enough shape, but couldn't get it to look cool using the palette i had 

im growing to like dithering 

embarrassingly, i did not notice until it was far too late that i did not colour in her heel ;a; fleshy heel. weird. i also made a mistake one of the thigh pixels being a bit too high 

finished and all the errors cleaned up 



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