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Hey hey! General life update and to inform yall there will be delays on all forms of content this month: for those who don't know, I was looking at starting studying this year. Turns out the course I wanted to do was already full, which I did not know until today, 2 weeks before semester starts. I'm on a wait list for if any students drop out but there's still only like 1/30 chance I'd get the spot. So essentially my entire years plan is on hold. In a word I am disappointed. It's a lot to process rn. 

Please excuse any delays this month. I really do not know where my life is going. I'll know by next month 



I'm sorry things seem so aimless right now, and I'm sure nothing I could say would help, but I hope things will be okay for you soon. (And your health / mental well being is important so don't feel bad about any delays!)