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Password: harvestmoons! ❗️

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What's New:

  • 14,000 words of new content!
  • More Chapter 9! Croelle! Sibella de Vespe!
  • New Trouble day off interlude! 
  • (For the Troublemancers: Are things finally starting to sink in for our favorite sharpshooter? Is that a hint of jealousy I detect?! Find out here...)

Developer's Notes:

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Trouble's new day off is only playable if you start a new game, then use the quickbuild to skip ahead OR play through the game organically. This is because I had to create a new permanent variable that checks if you got arrested alongside him last time. 😭 It is a pain in the ass that ChoiceScript results in these kinds of errors whenever a new variable has to be added, but hopefully they'll be a thing of the past soon!

I'm feeling under the weather at the moment, so I'll try and keep this update short and sweet! This month was a very interesting one, jam-packed full of events and busyness: we had a wedding to attend, went to a pumpkin patch with friends, had family visiting and staying with us (my sister and J's brother), attended our friend's annual LARP/murder mystery party (this year's theme was, ironically, cyberpunk), and a bunch of other random things that cropped up! With the highs, though, came some stresses: I was also dealing with some health news earlier this month and just received very sad news about a relative who's been hospitalized. So there was a moment this month (really, several) where things definitely felt overwhelming. 

As a result, I fell behind on work a bit and am still playing catch-up in a few different ways... On top of all that, I woke up yesterday feeling like I'm coming down with something (seems like just a cold so far, hopefully it's not COVID) and, since I get sick maybe once every 3-4 years, I'm a bit of a baby about it, so I tried to power through the last of this update with my head feeling like scrambled eggs. I'm guessing Croelle's exposition feels a bit info-dumpy at the moment, but I just had to get it out there in a way that made some coherent sense--I'll fix up any stylistic issues later! 😅

My queue on Tumblr's run out (that's one of the things I have to play catch-up on, lol), so if I'm quiet/offline for the next few days, it's just because I'm taking a break to recuperate from this whatever-it-is, so no need to worry! I'm on the very last battle of Baldur's Gate (I think)--I've been dragging it out because I don't know who I'll be when the game is over 🥲--so I'll probably be doing that, sipping tea, and maybe putting on a scary movie this Halloween! I hope you all are doing well, and that you enjoy this fresh update! And Happy Halloween to those who celebrate! 🎃

Total wordcount: 1,039,236 words without code

What's Next:

I'm actually not sure! I'll probably keep chipping away at Chapter 9 and another character interlude (not sure whose yet), but I'm also starting to eye the Ascendancy Festival and wondering if I dare tackle it... Because it's the catalyst for a lot of romances, I'm not sure if it would feel right to do it until more character interludes have been written so that the progression feels natural and organic, but maybe I can start at least on the non-romance scenes?... 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and I hope to read your thoughts here, on Tumblr, or on Discord! Thank you for being here and for everything you do! 😁💖



I'm not sure why it's happening, but when I try to put the password in it doesn't work... I've tried reloading the page and everything, but it keeps telling me that it's not the right password :') Very excited to keep playing tho so hopefully it's just my computer being mean to me!


you may have ignored the exclamation mark at the end of the pw, i did as well!


what is the trouble jealousy referring to, kind of excited hehe. is this in terms of flirting with the other ROs?


Not with other ROs, but a different character flirts with MC and Trouble may have some feelings about it! 👀