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Password: nonewdayoffthistime_imsosorry ❗️

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What's New:

  • 11,000 words of new content 
  • More Chapter 8.5 - the chapter should be coming to an end in the next update, and we'll be moving on to Chapter 9! 
  • Blink and you'll miss it: Lavinet and Tallys can finally become friends in this update, but you'll have to make the right choices first! 🤝
  • Make out in a closet with Tallys or almost kiss Lavinet, but not both 😔
  • Prevent chaos or enact vengeance: the choice is up to you!
  • Fixed the stat check to make it a bit easier to save Rika in Chapter 1

Developer's Notes:

Hi everyone, I hope you've all been well! This month has been quite the scorcher in my state (110+ F days all month, basically), so I've been holed up inside various libraries to try and pretend the earth isn't burning around me! 😎 Continuing on my theme of improvement last month, in which I discovered that keeping to a regular sleeping schedule and day/night cycle like a normal person vastly increased my health, productivity, and output, I'm also finding that working exclusively from home for the last 6 years has also somewhat affected my work/life balance or ability to focus, and that working out of the house as much as possible (with regular and consistent working hours) has really helped! There are caveats, of course--silent libraries are sanctuaries in comparison to loud coffee shops, which is probably why I didn't realize this simple fact sooner--but the point is, I've been tinkering around with my routines and lifestyle and work habits and seeing a lot of noticeable improvement in my quality of life and enjoyment of things in general! It could just be the simple act of shaking up the status quo that's the exciting part, but I just thought I'd share in case there's anyone out there who might find similar tweaks helpful! Now I just need to remember to hydrate a lot more, and my power will be at an all-time high... 

I don't have too much news to share this month: I'm still plugging away at the Twine conversion, which is going very slowly because I have so much on my plate (everything with the conversion is done, I just need to keep reviewing the code for errors--since the translation from ChoiceScript happened very quickly--and there are a lot. But I've cleared up to 75% of Chapter 2, and all of that part looks and works fabulously, so we're getting there!) I'm still working with Ivan Duch on the original soundtrack for the game--we've done five songs so far and we're onto Red's Theme now--and we've got some lovely commissions in the work, including Chase's weapons for next month and a little surprise I've got cooking in a tiny side oven, as well as a bigger project I won't talk about for now, but which is very exciting! 👀

This alpha build update's pretty straightforward: you've gotta pry the truth out of that pesky duo, Riegar and Kerne! Tallys and Lavinet's tensions also come to a head, but this is the opportunity I've occasionally alluded to that can lead to them becoming the best of friends... if you can pull it off! All while Halek is standing in the background, looking extremely skeptical :) Tallysmancers will also have a nice time with this update, I think, as this is some of the first content where MC and a companion have been in an established... thing/relationship for a while, and I think it'll show in lovely ways in certain choices! (It will be even more poignant when all of the character interludes are written, but even just as is, the intimacy and companionship is... 💖)

Speaking of character interludes, I wasn't feeling the spark to work on any more this month (hence the new password lol), but I'm guessing I'll be able to pull something off next month!

I think that's all I've got for now: I really hope you enjoy this update (I am very curious what choices people will be leaning towards at the end), and I hope you all enjoy your weekends!

Total wordcount: 997,638 words without code

(So close...)

What's Next:

As I noted before, the missions in Chapter 8 were intended to be a return to form (going back to the wordcounts of Chapter 1-4 rather than the bloated monsters of 5-7), so the next update should be finishing up this mission and moving swiftly along to Chapter 9! I'm also going to try to work on some more character interludes next month, though I haven't decided yet which ones! 

Thanks for reading, and enjoy! ☀️😎



omg!! so excited to play this <3

Zachary DiPietro

This is gonna break Hosted Games when it comes out I can’t wait