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Hi everyone, just a quick update about the month for you! My younger sister graduated college last week, so my family is embarking on a two-week trip out of the country to celebrate her accomplishments before she moves away to start grad school in the fall. As such, I'll be offline from the 16th to the end of the month in order to maximize my time with my family as we travel around!

What does this mean for you? Not very much, since I was able to front-load and do all of my work ahead of time before departing on the 16th, except for three things:

1) The alpha build update will drop a bit earlier this month (aka now), since I want to post it while I have ready access to a computer (and you can't exactly queue things on dashingdon).

2) There will be no Q&A this month since I'll be away. Sorry about that!

3) I won't be able to respond to messages and PMs while I'm out of town! However, do feel free to keep sending in asks on Tumblr if you think of any. I still love receiving them and like answering them when I can!

But other than that, everything else like the short story and etc. have been completed and queued, artists and other commissioned creatives have been alerted, and all else has been taken care of! I can't convey how much I've hurtled my way through work in order to get everything for the month done in time, lol, so some of my writing may come off as a bit delirious, but that's what first drafts are for! I just wanted to let you all know if you notice that I'm slow to respond to messages, but everything will go back to normal once I'm back on June 2nd! Thanks for your understanding!


Rachel Costa

Congrats to your sister!! I hope you have a lovely time and enjoy yourself <3

Laura G

Congrats to your sis! Hope ya'll have a wonderful trip!