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Hi everybody, my original plans for July's goody fell through, so instead, I came up with something I think we all sorely needed: a Google Sheet detailing what routes of the alpha build are incomplete or unavailable due to not yet being written, how to avoid them, and what stat checks they involve, if relevant! This guide obviously includes massive spoilers, so I would recommend using it only if you've played the alpha build thoroughly, or you're having questions about accessing a particular route or scene that you can't seem to get to! 

This should answer a lot of frequently-asked questions I've received recently, and I'll be sure to include this link in all future alpha build update posts, as well! But largely, if you've seen a choice that's greyed out and it's not on this list, you've simply made some choice or have an insufficient stat to unlock that option! If your game seems to end earlier than intended or you're not seeing content that others are talking about, check this list to see if you've hit a path that hasn't been finished rather than the true end of the alpha build content!

I've done my best to be thorough, but if there's anything you think I've missed or could be more clear about, please let me know in the comments below! And I'll do my best to remember to keep this list updated as I continue writing the alpha build. :) Cheers!


Alissa Cox

This is so helpful thank you! Hope you’re doing well!


This is amazing, thank you so much!!!