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Hi everybody, tiny update! Not great news, but I tested positive for COVID over the weekend! 😪 I am relatively fine, just feeling under the weather with symptoms similar to a bad cold—nothing to be really concerned about, just a cough and the usual congestion/fatigue/fever stuff, but the symptoms seem intent on sticking around for a longer time than I'm used to with colds! (I guess because, duh Lena, it's not really a cold...) But overall, nothing's happening that I'm worried about, it's just an annoyance! I have things to do, sickness, can't you just leave me alone? 😠

But as such, I took the long weekend to rest and recover! I'm not feeling that much better at present moment, so I will likely be slow to respond to stuff online--don't be alarmed if it takes a while for me to get back to any messages or asks! 

With only one week left in the month (curse you, February, with your 28 days!!!), I'm not feeling hopeful that I'll be able to accomplish all I want with both the alpha build update and the short story this month. Maybe I'll rally and everything will proceed as normal, but I'm just putting out the disclaimer in case I'm not able to do both this month! I'm fairly confident that the short story will be fine--before I got sick, I ended up writing a whole primer for this AU the same way I did cliffnotes for Chandry's short story, lol--but the alpha build update might have to be pushed to early March if I'm not feeling better soon! 

Thank you for your understanding and patience! I hope you're doing well, stay safe, and talk soon! 🌟



Hope you start to feel better soon Lena! Take care


Please don't worry about deadlines for this month. Your recovered health and safety are all that matters right now. I hope you feel better very soon!