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Hi everyone, as I'm sure you're all aware of by now (since I keep talking about it lol I'm so sorry)--my debut novel, WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE, is out next Tuesday on July 6th!

July is going to be a pretty busy month for me in general:

  • The book is being released, which means I'll be taking a few days off to celebrate, and then there are all of these planned events surrounding it, including interviews, podcasts, readings, and more! That'll be the first week of July.
  • The second week of July, I'm attending a bridal shower for one best friend, and then flying out of state to spend a week in the Pacific Northwest (my first time!) to stand as the maid of honor for my other best friend!
  • The day after getting back from the wedding, I'll be getting on another plane to fly out of the country to visit my grandma for the third week of July...
  • The fourth week of July is crammed with more readings as well as appointments. 😭

So, basically, I'll be trying to work on things around All of That ^!

I am too excited not to work on Chapter 7, but I'm making this post just to warn that due to my packed schedule next month and the extenuating circumstances, I will likely have to cut something from my workload in July! This will likely be the Author Q&A (90% chance I won't be able to get it done). If things are really packed and stressful, I may not be able to get the short story done either, but that's more of a 30-40% chance.

However, everything else, including next month's goody (very excited to debut that one 😉) and the alpha update will proceed as usual!

I just wanted everyone to be aware as we head into July! I like making sure I'm being as transparent as possible. 😃 Thank you so much for your understanding, and enjoy the rest of your week!



Sounds exciting and amazing. Take time for yourself and have fun!

Sheena F

I finished the book last night, I loved it!