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Hi everybody, I've got some goodies for you this month! ♥ We've also updated the password for this month, so if you come across the password screen while playing the alpha, remember to input the new password below!

Play the alpha build here 

New password: eternalsummer

No spaces and no capitals!

What's New:

  • Fixed a bug where spending time with Chase at Capra skipped straight to the merchant
  • Fixed a few typos in Chase’s 2nd day off
  • Fixed (hopefully) a bug where Chandry’s prices get wonky…
  • Allowed the player to choose different types of flowers when choosing bouquets from Chandry
  • Made dried flowers a souvenir when visiting different cities like Heth Macoll or Capra
  • Finished Riel’s day off (!!!)
  • Added more content to Chapter 6
  • Diviners can now spy on the nobles during their first night in Lockwood in Chapter 6
  • 25,000 words of new content!

Developer Notes: 

  • As last time, the new quest and trading card system from last month may reference characters who haven't been introduced in your game yet. This is "deliberate" in that I opened these systems early for you to experience. When the final version of the game is done, the characters will be referenced accordingly in the correct manner (AKA the systems won't open up until after all characters have been recruited, so it won't be wrong to reference them).
  • Riel is a little bit of a nut, despite what he may pretend otherwise. He's also slightly insensitive and talks a LOT, so buckle in! 
  • He became more like "book Riel" than "game Riel" in this day off (also, I'm writing his short story and he's sassy in that one, too); I didn't have time to look over his arc in Chapter 2, but if his personality seems totally different from the one in Chapter 2, let me know. He also acts polite to strangers, so some of his behavior is chalked up to him getting more comfortable with the Shepherds!
  • The day off file now has such a big wordcount that trying to turn on wordcount makes it crash now. 😭 115,000 words in one file!!! That's more than my book that's coming out!!!
  • Thank you to Elive and everyone for sending in bug reports, they were very helpful! 😃 Also, I have a lot of messages to get to in my inbox, so if you've sent me something and I haven't replied, just hold on! I am aiming to finish Riel's short story within the next few days and then celebrate my best friend's engagement (I'm her maid of honor!) this weekend; after that, things should settle down again next week!

What's Next:

  • This completes all of the first day off scenes (except Halek's) for all of the characters recruited so far. I may do Halek's next, or I may just focus on the main story again, not sure!
  • Definitely going to work on Chapter 6 and aim to finish at least one of the main branches of the chapter next month!

Total wordcount: 542,478 words without code

Thank you as always, and I hope you enjoy!


(No title)


Stephanie Beth

Yaaaaay! 🎉 Sending you lots of hugs and thank you for always doing so much for us!