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Hi everybody, sorry for the delay--it took me a lot to manage this, but it's updated! The alpha build now has Briony and Red's first day off scenes, plus Caine's second day off!!!

Play the Alpha Preview 

Password: stvalentine

What's New:

  • Briony's first day off scene
  • Red's first day off scene
  • Caine's second day off scene
  • Various bug fixes and continuity fixes
  • More character status changes in the character guide after spending time with them
  • 27,000 words of new content (how did 3 days off scenes amount to that...)!

What's Next:

  • More Chapter 6!
  • Riel's day off interlude... I swear

Developer Notes:

I was in a huge rush when I wrote these scenes, so they may be a bit rough. More importantly, Red's day off required a huge amount of branching, so if you catch any continuity errors (he acts like you attended the Circle when you didn't), please let me know!

Edit: I have been informed that I was an idiot and the days off weren't accessible lol, that has been fixed now!

Total wordcount without code: 503,249 words

I posted here about why my updates were a bit delayed this week: I'm still out of town with my family, and it's been a very busy and stressful time, but I'm glad I managed to update the alpha build at least! I will post the February Q&A within the next week, and the art update, bookmarks, and alpha update were actually on time as usual! I've made the decision to push Halek's story back and make it the story for this month instead of trying to do two stories in four weeks: it just works out a lot better for my wellbeing and schedule, and it means I can keep working a lot on the game this month and keep my writing as productive as possible! I hope that makes sense! 🙏

Thank you as always for your understanding and support, and I hope you enjoy reading this new content! 💖



I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot access Red's day of this far in the play through, havent been able in either capra (after the "otherworldy" experience) nor once I got back to Haven from the "mountains" on the day off - is it bound a special chapter or?


Hi there, so sorry about that, that was an error in coding on my part! It should be fixed now, and you should be able to access both days off! Sorry for the delay!


😍 i love this game