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Hi everyone, quick update on where I'm at as January draws to a close!

January was actually kind of a low month for me in terms of productivity: it's the first in a long time where I didn't meet a lot of my goals! I wasn't able to complete other work obligations, and I didn't get as much done on ShoH as I was hoping. I was basically so busy with other things that I had to leave ShoH for the last week or so, which is usually when I do a "blitz" and crank out a lot, but for some reason I couldn't focus this time! I still ended up writing quite a bit, but it's not up to my usual standard of 20,000+ words for the month (at least, I don't think it is; I haven't counted yet lol!). 

I'm trying not to beat myself up over it too much because I know this month was just one of those crazy times where you just get slammed with stuff and keep trying to play catch-up! I planned COVID-safe celebrations for both my partner and my sister's birthdays, which required a lot of planning and preparation and baking and cooking; I've been busy with marketing and publicity and proofing stuff for my novel, the cover of which was revealed a few days ago; I was distracted by stuff in the news for the first few weeks of the month; I flailed trying to get work obligations done (and failed, but I also did some editing jobs that had been hovering around since the holidays); I spent a lot of time writing a faux-Shakespeare play for Chandry's short story for some reason LMAO; and two of my best friends named me their maids of honor this month!

So what did I do that was ShoH-related? Well, I finally broke through a bit of writer's block this last day or so, and I'm working on Chapter 6 of the alpha build now. That should be posted tomorrow or the next day! I also wrote a Bridgerton-style scandal sheet that will show up in the codex if you buy fancy clothes, as well as a new training recruits sequence (the kids are decidely not alright, and Trouble shows up because I missed him), and updated some glossary/character guide entries and made more corrections on earlier chapters. I tried to finish Mekduk and I looked at the branching and went "mmm not this month honey" and went back to Chapter 6 lol. I also worked on the mysterious February goodie that many of you voted on, which will feature Lavinet, Briony, Blade, and Trouble; and I'm hoping for a Cyberpunk-themed surprise to pan out; and Chase and Trouble's new tarot cards are ongoing, as is Chase's reference sheet. And I put together a little April surprise as well; and completed all of the character sticker sheets, including new Caine and Croelle stickers; and put together and mailed out most of the prizes for the holiday contest; and I revamped the ShoH Tumblr for the new year!

Phew, okay, it sounds like more when I write it all down, haha!

I know some of you have sent me messages or asks on various platforms recently, and I'm sorry if I haven't been able to get back to you yet or answer your questions! I've been terribly busy and staying up very late to get things done: but rest assured, I'm not ignoring you and I will respond when I can get this update off my plate! :) I hope you all have a very good, fun, and relaxing end to your January. We're almost at the finish line, so let's start off February with a bang!

Thanks for reading! -Lena



Lena it sounds like you still got a LOT done, don't worry about us! We're happy with whatever you give us and just want you to be well and take care of yourself 😊


Lena you are literally a god to get this amount of stuff done in a month and call it unproductive. You're absolutely fantastic and you deserve a break and to be well!! I've loved all the things I've seen (like the revamp) and am looking forward to seeing what comes next!