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Question: Hey Lena! If you wouldn't mind telling us the ROs (plus Chandry, Croelle and Halek's) favorite meal/food and baked good, that would be lovely uwu. I hope you're enjoying yourself!!  

Hi Jazz, thank you so much! This has actually been answered here (and here for Briony), but I'll copy-paste with some of my revisions below and add baked goods where applicable as well! 

P.S. If you're thinking of making some of these and need recipes, I'd recommend waiting until the 10th of October... 👀

Blade: a nice hot cup of khav (coffee) always settles his nerves, and he enjoys more delicate, simple dishes like broiled miso salmon (or the equivalent) and thinly-sliced vegetables over rice! He's indifferent to baked goods so the closest to what he prefers would probably be a good dark chocolate biscotti!

Trouble: potatoes. rosemary and sage. steak. garlic butter. hot. v good. Also homey things like leek and potato stew, and I could see him liking a steak sandwich with peppers and onions as well! His favorite baked good would definitely be an apple pie!

Tallys: an Elven dish called peya, which is like a baked hand bread wrapped in a fragrant leaf and stuffed with cheese and nuts. I guess that also counts as a baked good lol, but if it doesn't, she'd love a good honey cake!

Shery: sweetwater (like honey tea or golden milk) and a plate of sugar biscuits/cookies, thanks! Also cozy things like a chicken pot pie or scones and tea sandwiches! I also think she'd love a cinnamon roll, lol. 

Riel: I feel like he would enjoy seafood, like whitefish in a delicate broth, or various kinds of pasta. For baked goods he'd love a pastry similar to a buttery chocolate croissant, with dark dark khav to go along with it!

Chase: Have you ever had kabocha–Japanese pumpkin soup? His favorite dish–served with a nice crusty bread and maybe some roast eel to follow–is like that, and his favorite baked good would probably be something like chocolate truffles or something like a brownie with walnuts!

Halek: His favorite dish is curry when he's with the Hunters, but once he gets a taste of the wider world it'd be something like potato dumplings with truffle oil and spring vegetables! For baked goods it would probably be something like creme brulee or flan!

Red: his favorite meal is roast pork belly served with delicate pickled vegetables, sliced thin, and a sweet fluffy dinner roll! His favorite dessert would probably be a popular iced dessert called lemon ice--it's basically a snow cone or sorbet but like slightly more complicated lol! His favorite baked good would probably be like peach pie?

Ayla: dragon tongue stew–a kind of extremely spicy, sweet-and-sour tom yum kha-style soup–is her favorite, with mint leaves to take off the burn! Her favorite dessert would be a coconut milk treat similar to Vietnamese che thai, with fruit and jellies in it! I think she would be indifferent to baked desserts unless we're counting like fry bread or something similar to doughnuts!

Briony: lobster pasta or seafood bisque in a bread bowl! Her favorite baked good would probably be something like nutella pizza: a baked flat bread with chocolate-hazelnut spread slathered on top and layered with berries!

Lavinet: candied rose petals that dissolve on the tongue–she’s so extra--and roast slivered goose over a bed of orange-infused rice and plum sauce would be among her favorites. For baked goods she'd definitely love macarons!

Prihine: her favorite food would be cream puffs, especially ones with chocolate on them, which doubles as her favorite baked good, but I could see liking something like braised lamb shank as well!

Caine: he knows this is dumb and simple but he loves a baked potato with lots of butter and cheese! His favorite baked good would definitely have to be cookies, probably chocolate chip or snickerdoodle if we're talking about real life equivalents!

Mimir: no one has ever even seen Mimir eat; does she even?

Chandry: I am inclined to think Chandry also doesn't eat, but for the hell of it let's say he enjoys sandwiches with fried eggs, bacon, grape jelly, and sliced apples in it... and his favorite baked good is something similar to a cannoli!

Croelle: uhhh I don't know if you've read his short story, but... let's say his favorite food is steak, extra rare, or sometimes mutton stew. I don't think he'd like or care about baked goods in any capacity, but I could see him tolerating something like a lemon meringue pie?

Question: if you feel like blessing us with some of that sweet sweet worldbuilding, are there any specific symbols/animals associated with each of the old gods?  

Oh, good question! 

Narthax: a set of scales (for justice and truth) can sometimes be his symbol, as well as often the sun. The golden eagle or sun eagle is an animal that's thought to be his messenger, which can also be an emblem of the Hunters. 

Tapyt: there aren't any particular animals associated with him or even really symbols, though obviously the color black and occult signs (think Baphomet or the Satanic pentagram) can be used for him. In mosaics of the Old Faith, he's sometimes depicted as dripping with black blood to paint the night sky with darkness, so uh, blood is his symbol I guess

Mitna: the moon and especially the crescent moon is her symbol, and occasionally she's associated with a creature called a moon lynx

Ainue: the stars are her symbol, and sometimes she's associated with a nightingale-like bird called a lutani

Althea: the sun is technically her official symbol, but she's most often associated with fire and flame whereas the sun is used for Narthax; and the phoenix is an animal often associated with her

Bes: a flowering tree is her symbol, and often she's represented by a doe or a stag

Thimben: a roaring animal is generally his symbol, and he's variously connected to bears, wolves, ahfuri, and winged panthers

Dewi: a wave of water is generally her symbol, and she's often associated with dolphins or fish

Noonfirth: air currents and wind is his symbol, and very rarely dandelions, and he's often associated with gliding, migratory birds as well as the cheetah and spotted cat in desert regions

Pelinel: lightning is her symbol, and Drakes can be thought to be animals associated with her (though this was offensive to them, since they were people, not animals) as well as the mythical stormwing--an enormous reptile-bird whose wings caused the sound of thunder--and, more frequently, horses

Nante: snow, ice, and snowflakes tend to be his symbols, and animals associated with him are often squirrels, moles, groundhogs, and occasionally white foxes

Corvus: darkness and shadows are his symbols, along with curved daggers and occasionally arrows and darts, as well as black birds and crows

Tholjass: the sword, sometimes broken, and shield are his symbols. Animals associated with him tend to be bulls and lions

Ishkur: the hammer and occasionally the anvil is her symbol, and she tends to be associated with ants and bees

Orgael: the lyre or harp is his symbol, and he tends to be associated with songbirds and parrots

Gu: the coinpouch or gold is his symbol, and he's often associated with elephants and pigs

Hina: the heart is usually her symbol, and she's most often associated with hummingbirds flitting from flower to flower as well as swans

Question: During one conversation with Blade he asks MC about their fear, what would other shepherds answer to that question?

Trouble: he'd answer that he has a fear of drowning (which is true), but I think his greatest fear is disappointing the people he cares about or dying because he shaved off his lifespan because he used his power too much!

Tallys: she'd answer that her greatest fear is enclosed spaces, espceially underground, but I think her actual greatest fear is dying alone or outliving everyone and everything she cares about

Shery: she'd answer that her greatest fear is public speaking, and that's probably true lmao

Riel: he'd answer that he doesn't particularly fear anything, but he's definitely a germaphobe and fears disease, especially lack of control over his mental faculties

Chase: he'd answer that he doesn't fear anything, and it's kind of true; he sort of lacks a fear gene and doesn't bat an eye at pretty much any scary experience?? But I think his true fear is making himself vulnerable to a relationship...

Red: he'd answer that he's afraid of stinging insects, but I think his true fear is that his pursuit of knowledge is going to harm someone else unintentionally or have disastrous consequences

Ayla: she'd answer that she has a "thing" against being tied up or bound against her will, which is true, but I think her deepest fear is being alone and dying without anyone caring about what happened to her

Briony: she'd answer that she's really afraid of the dark in many circumstances (not so much that she has to sleep with a light on or anything, but if she were, say,  forced to walk through a dark hallway alone in a "haunted" place, she'd cry), but her deepest fear is more that she was a really bad person before she lost her memories, or has this whole other life that she doesn't want but would be obligated to go back to (say, a family or child she forgot about, an enormous debt she has to repay)

Lavinet: she'd answer that her greatest fear is ghosts and ghouls (though she'd beat around the bush), but I think her true greatest fear is humiliation and social exile!

Question: If the Shepherds had to have a "twin" or bff from another WIP (any WIP you've read), who would it be?  

Hmm, to be honest, I really don't know any WIPs well enough or have read enough to answer this question well, so I hope it's okay if I mostly use completed works instead?

Blade: I'm gonna guess Adam from the Wayhaven Chronicles, lol, or maybe Qiu from God of the Red Mountain (WIP), and I think he'd be friends with 100 from the Aegis Project: 180 Files?

Trouble: Herald from Fallen Hero a little bit, Alexander from a Pirate's Pleasure a little bit?, Breden from Choice of Rebels (?), Gonzalez from Creme de la Creme

Tallys: uHHhHH Vicki Valdez from the Aegis Project: 180 Files, Lady Argent from Fallen Hero

Shery: uhHHhh 313 from the Aegis Project: 180 Files, Freddie from Creme de la Creme

Riel: Hartmann from Creme de la Creme, Dr. Mortum from Fallen Hero (?), Steel from Fallen Hero

Chase: Florin and Max from Creme de la Creme, Felix from the Wayhaven Chronicles, Nathaniel from a Pirate's Pleasure, little bit of Angel from the Aegis Project: 180 Files (they'd definitely be BFFs)

Red: Ortega from Fallen Hero a little bit, Nate from the Wayhaven Chronicles

Ayla: Lady Argent from Fallen Hero, Morgan from the Wayhaven Chronicles

Briony: Alexandre from The Eagle's Heir, Asher from Royal Affairs (WIP)

Lavinet: Auguste, Florin, and Rosario from Creme de la Creme 

Croelle: Mason from the Wayhaven Chronicles, Angel from The Aegis Project: 180 Files, little bit of Blaise from Creme de la Creme in there

Mimir: Delacroix from Creme de la Creme

Question: Somebody asked a bit ago about the biological parents views on the ROs, but what about the adoptive parents? I imagine the ket father would take issue with romancing Blade, but the elf father would probably appreciate Tallys, etc.  

Hi, this was answered already: you can read more context under the #MC's mom and #MC's dad tags!

How MC's adoptive mom would feel about the ROs 

How MC's adoptive dad would feel about the ROs 

Question: Superhero AU! With Mc being super hero and RO's the villain but they're both in love with each other, what would be the Ro's reaction to this situation?: *MC is badly hurt/emotionally unstable because of all world's problems and all the sacrifices they had to do*  Ro, begging: You need to stop doing this, please, is killing you!!!  Mc smiles: Isn't that what you wanted?   

Haha, this is pretty much an AU of Fallen Hero x Shepherds of Haven! This is a bit too broad for me to answer very specifically: why is the RO a villain? How committed are they to their goals, how did they fall in love with Hero!MC, how deep does their relationship go? MC's words would obviously hurt an RO who loved them, but I can't really say whether or not that would make them stop being a villain or pause in their goals, not knowing why they became a villain in the first place!

Question: How would the Romanced!Ros react if they have a nightmare where MC cheats on them but when they wake up MC is just peacefully sleeping next to them. 

Would sigh in relief and go back to sleep, forgetting all about it:



Would go back to sleep and bring it up to MC in the morning casually:




Would wake MC up crying to tell them about it:



Would go back to sleep but it would bother them secretly for the next few days:



Question: How would the Romanced!Ros react if they had a very realistic nightmare where MC died and when they wake up, MC isn't next to them. 

Would tear out of bed and start looking for MC in a panic that probably morphs into irritation/anger once they find MC:





Same as the above but the reaction is eventual relief instead of anger:




Knows that it was just a dream and that MC is fine and tries to force themselves to go back to sleep but they just end up lying there in a cold sweat and eventually get worried when MC doesn't come back, so they sigh and get dressed and trudge off to find them, but are still trying to be rational about it:




Question: How would the Romanced!Ros react if MC is the type to not vocalize their feelings much but one night when MC thinks Ro is asleep, MC starts whispering how much Ro means to them and how much they love Ro. 

Would pretend to stay asleep and never mention it to MC, but would be very happy for several days/weeks:



Would open their eyes, grin, and tell MC their feelings back:



Would cuddle closer and sleepily mumble their feelings back:



Would pretend to stay asleep but mention it in the morning and want to talk about it more in the light of day, no matter how MC resisted:




Would wonder why MC could only say this while the RO is "asleep" and not to their face:


Question: How would the Romanced!Ros react if deep into the relationship MC was breaking up with them, but it came out very hesitant and forced and MC refuses to meet their eye. (MC is being forced to break up with Ro and can't tell them) 

Wouldn't believe MC and would want to probe deeper:






Would react with disbelief but wouldn't be totally sure or confident:




Would take MC at their word and tearfully/furiously react to the breakup:



Question: How would the ROs(+Croelle & Halek) feel seeing a very stoic/serious MC that //never// smiles smile at them for the first time? Bonus if its when they either kiss for the first time or confess their feelings.  

To be honest, it's really hard for me to imagine the ROs getting to the point of confession/kissing with someone who never smiles or shows happiness? I mean, I imagine it would make them very happy and send them over the moon! But I don't think their reactions would differ much from that!

Question: Idk if you've already done so but what are some Lavinet fluff facts? 

I have done these for all the characters before, but I can do some more!

For Lavinet:

  • She likes an MC who sleeps in so she can wake him up with kisses
  • Her favorite thing in a relationship would be for MC to brush her hair while they talk about their days
  • She'd like to go on rides to remote lakes and meadows so MC could lay with his head in her lap and she could braid flowers into his hair like in the romance novels
  • She'd keep a locket with MC's portrait around her neck every day
  • She'd stop drinking wine out of solidarity with MC (unless he drank it secretly)



Question: I think I remember reading that Blade doesn't accept food from others.  So, assuming that I didn't just imagine it ^^: on All Heroes Eve, if MC offers Blade her drink, he actually takes her on that offer. Is this a sign that Blade already trusts her that much? Does he even realize what's he doing and why? ^^ P.S. If I did imagine it, please ignore me >< ^^;;  

Hi, Blade accepts food from friends but generally doesn't ever "share" food--like he'll split a plate of fries with Trouble if he's not thinking too much about it but he won't take a sip of the same drink as someone else or share a fork with them or anything like that. That he shares a drink with MC definitely means he has a crush on her, but he doesn't realize it/think of it in those terms: mostly he's caught off-guard so he just does it as an automatic reaction, which in itself shows his true feelings, but in his head he just "reflexively" does it! I hope that makes sense!

Question: I don't think it ever specified (if it did, feel free to ignore) but who carried MC back to the shepherd compound after Prihine's wedding? How was it decided that person would be the one to carry MC? If MC used the word, what were the shepherds thinking, running up on a scene of a revenant frozen in time?  

Depending on the MC's actions, it was either Trouble and Tallys carrying MC on a stretcher (if MC stuck around for the church) or a random set of recruits/emergency workers if they ran away. Blade had to go off and do damage control/review the situation following the attack, and if MC ran from the attack, it was kind of like he noticed MC being carried off to the Healers Quarter with the other victims and intercepted!

As for what they were thinking when they saw the Revenant frozen in time, it was mostly what they thought when they first met MC. They thought it was an incredible display of magic, and Blade was mostly calculating--he'd want someone like this on the Shepherds--Trouble was like :O cool!! and Tallys was more reserved and wary about what the consequences would be when the Inquisitors found out about it, etc.! 

Question: A spoilery question for you! What all characters can be hardened, and what is the outcome of those hardening stats?  

Hi there, thanks for the question! All characters can be hardened, but "hardened" does not actually mean what you might think it means: it doesn't necessarily mean making the characters tougher or, well, hardened, it's just what I named the stat. Sometimes it means making a character more open or vulnerable or something totally different!

Anyway, all characters can be "hardened," and what it essentially means is being influenced in such a way that a good or the best possible ending is more likely to happen for them. It's not the only thing that determines a good ending, obviously, but it is a pretty important factor!

Question: Hope you had a good break! Spoilery question: what is the high society/general public reactions to Lavinet joining the order? I know from her short story that some nobles followed her example? 

People's reactions vary to Lavinet's joining the Order depending on the MC's actions and how that chapter goes! Broadly, though, her joining improves the general public's perception of both the Shepherds and the nobility: it's a great PR move that "legitimizes" the Shepherds by having a celebrity essentially join their ranks, and it makes the nobility of Lavinet's generation look good because it's seen as a very noble thing for her to leave her comfortable, sheltered position in society and essentially risk her life for the people. It makes her very popular with the commonfolk, for the most part!

Depending on the MC's actions and how the Shepherds are perceived already, most of the time, Lavinet's joining the Shepherds starts a fad among the younger generation of nobles, especially the younger sons/daughters/heirs who won't inherit a leadership position later in life. These people are mostly disenfranchised, bored, and longing for purpose other than just lying around and playing court games, so it can start a movement of young aristocrats either joining up or donating to the Order. It's sort of a trendy way of showing that you care about something other than your own wealth, so the youth tend to be enthusiastic about it after Lavinet blazes the trail.

How the older nobility reacts varies greatly. In some realities they can be extremely disapproving and will disown any heirs who throw their lot in with the Diminished; in some, they are reluctantly supportive because of what the MC does or doesn't do in that chapter!

Question: is Ayala or chase the one that can't read? 

Yes, it's one of those two! 

(If you really want to know who it is, click here. But I'd appreciate it if you don't spoil it for non-Patrons, so please keep it to the Patron-only chats, because it's a pretty important part of the character's storyline!)



Question: GLADIUS nsfw ABC please!!!!  

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) He tends to be a bit cold with his partners, getting up and taking a shower without inviting them to join him or anything like that. They don't have to leave, but he strictly only has one-night stands with no feelings attached. If he's friends with the person he might have a drink with them or something, but it's generally not very intimate aftercare!

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) He likes his hair (it's beautiful in comparison to his brother's lmfaooo) and his chest muscles! He doesn't tend to have a particular favorite body part on his partners, he admires them in their totality and prefers fit, athletic bodies in general!

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) He's uh very reserved with his cum, he won't come inside or on his partners for whatever reason! It's like if he really likes you, he'll come on you ldkfjgfdlgjd

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He's pretty "gentlemanly" or noble or whatever in public, but he's a bit dominant in bed and can play rough and enjoys being in control more than he lets on

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) He's not a virgin by any means but also doesn't sleep with people all too often... maybe a few times a year?

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) When his partner is reclining on their stomach on a pillow or two and he's fucking them from behind

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) He's not goofy at all, he takes sex very seriously! He may crack a joke or two before or after the act, but it's generally a "sexy" joke or sarcasm, not goofing around

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Very well-groomed, shaved down there and the carpet matches the drapes!

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  He's not that intimate, he doesn't tend to linger over his partner's features or anything romantic since they're no-strings-attached hookups. He may take it slow, but it's not out of love!

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) He "takes care of himself" about once a week out of necessity, but he generally finds it a bit boring

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) I think master-servant, dom-sub play resonates with him quite a lot, but other than that he doesn't have too many specific kinks!

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) He generally prefers the privacy of his bedroom but has been known to take a jaunt to a discreet closet every once in a while

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) He tends to (at least sexually) like people who challenge him more or bite back with fiery banter rather than people who are very agreeable with him. The hate-love "argument but I don't really hate you" kind of dynamic is what gets him fired up!

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) He's a bit fastidious so he won't do anything that creates a huge mess (such as food or bodily fluids), and really extreme or off-color fantasies are not something he's interested in!

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) He's very good at giving and proud of it, but he probably prefers receiving as a dominance thing, so he generally won't be the giver!

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) He tends to like taking it slow (though not necessarily sensual, more torturous) as a way of establishing who's in control!

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) He doesn't seek quickies out on his own but is usually down to have them if someone initiates, but only if it doesn't interfere with something he deems more important!

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) He's pretty open to experimentation and has done a wide range of things. He doesn't take a lot of big risks when it comes to public sex or running the risk of being discovered, but otherwise he's down to try most things at least once!

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) He usually likes one very long round and it's rare for him to go twice in a row. It's kind of a compliment if he's willing to haha?

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) He has things like handcuffs and bindings (and even a small whip) hidden away but doesn't bring them out unless he's had sex with the particular partner a few times

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) He's extremely unfair and can even be classified as cruel at times with how much he's willing to withhold or deny his partner their pleasure lol

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) He's pretty quiet; a murmured encouragement or quiet, shuddering breath at the moment of climax tends to be the most you can get out of him!

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) He's very good at seducing someone into wanting to suck his cock, very badly. It's like he exudes this energy where you'd want to do anything to please him, no matter how dominant or independent you think you are?

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) Very nice, large dick. Imagine a statue of a Greek god but big because Blest standards don't mean a large dick = stupidity lol

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) His sex drive is high-ish, he could have sex like twice a week but not enough to seek it out that often, if that makes any sense?

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He doesn't tend to fall asleep after sex and actually gets wired; sometimes he has good ideas suddenly in the afterglow!

Question: does trouble take his gloves off during sex? or does he leave them on because it’s a personal comfort thing  

With MC, he'd take them off because he'd feel comfortable and would want to feel every inch of them! In past hookups, he generally left them on, though not always!

Question: How would ROs react if MC starts giving them footjob/ handjob under the tabel during dinner in restaurant? 

Would get flustered and finish the meal rapidly/pay so they can get MC home:




Would get flustered and yank MC into a closet/bathroom at the nearest opportunity:




Would die of embarrassment/choke on their food/freeze up/not know how to react:



Would tell MC to stop because they're in public:




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