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ShoH Update (September #2)

  • Option A: Ocean Shepherd 35
  • Option B: Blood-Stained Shepherd 10
  • Option C: Royal Shepherd 5
  • Option D: Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing 63
  • Option E: Silver Shepherd 22
  • Option F: Shepherd of the Lilacs 72
  • Option G: Spirited Shepherd 12
  • 2020-09-14
  • 219 votes
{'title': 'ShoH Update (September #2)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option A: Ocean Shepherd', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Option B: Blood-Stained Shepherd', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Option C: Royal Shepherd', 'votes': 5}, {'text': "Option D: Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing", 'votes': 63}, {'text': 'Option E: Silver Shepherd', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Option F: Shepherd of the Lilacs', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Option G: Spirited Shepherd', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 14, 22, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 219}


Hi everyone, I hope your September is going well! I can't believe we're already almost to October--one of my favorite months! It feels like just yesterday that I was writing that spooky Croelle story for October 2019! *sweats*

I have a lot of updates to get through this time!

  • If you are part of the Vice-Commander tier and above, your bookmarks are going out today! Please keep an eye out for them in the mail! :)
  • I hope those of you who are starting to receive your Patreon-exclusive merchandise--your stickers, mugs, and etc.--enjoy them! 💖 If you weren't aware, you can always check the Redbubble store for more if you'd like to order even more for yourself!
  • You may have seen various posts and polls about art, depending on what tier you're in! At the moment there is 1) the general commissioned art [Trouble, medium to be decided, though reference sheet is currently winning by a landslide]; 2) the new tarot card [in-progress, Captains and up, new voting again on the 20th]; 3) the new secret project [poll ending in a few days, Captains and up]; and 4) one secret piece I'm doing on the side [in-progress]!
  • I have gotten the coding skeleton of MC's fight against Nathe in Chapter 5 figured out and will slowly be fleshing that out as I'm able. I'm also planning to add in things that I missed in the last few updates, such as a resolution for Shery and Vivek regarding Tangriel, new codex documents, and other adjustments. 

The bigger news is that my partner and I have decided (very suddenly and spontaneously) to take a small vacation and go camping sometime next week for several days. We've both been working terribly hard (I'm generally staying up until 5 AM most nights to get all my work done) and have been spending way too much time on our computers, so a break and some time in nature sounds really good right now. 

What does this mean for the game? Well, I'm still going to update the alpha build before the end of this month: as of now there are about 5,000 words of new content added to it, and I'm going to do my best to keep adding to that until the end of the month. Almost certainly the fight with Nathe and the subsequent fallout will be there, at minimum in draft form (knock on wood). However, taking a week off is also going to force me to work on other projects in order to meet my deadlines there, as well, so I don't know yet exactly how much new content I'll be able to add on top of what's already there. I've surprised myself and pulled a rabbit out of a hat before, though, so we'll see! Thank you for your understanding with this, I really appreciate it!

This also means something different will be happening for Captains and above this month, but I'll elaborate on that in another post.

Finally, it's time to vote on the Shepherds of Haven stat bar colors I mentioned last week! I'll be attaching user-submitted color palettes as well as the ones I whipped up; again, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to send them in! Thank you to everyone who sent in your own palettes, I really appreciated it!

Option A: "Ocean Shepherd"

Option B: "Blood-Stained Shepherd"

Option C: "Royal Shepherd"

Option D: "Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing"

Option E: "Silver Shepherd"

Option F: "Shepherd of the Lilacs"

Option G: "Spirited Shepherd"

The names don't meaning anything, I just wanted more memorable names than "Option A" and I was feeling silly, lol. Vote below and thank you again for everything! Have a wonderful start to your week!



Have a lovely break!


I personally find the shepherds of lilacs one to be difficult to read, but that can probably be fixed with some fiddling around on my end!


That is good to know, I'll have to run some more tests in, uh, testing then!