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Hi everyone, I hope you're having a great start to your September, and if you're in the US, I hope you had a fun three-day weekend!

I have made a little progress on Chapter 5 of ShoH; the beginning of the month tends to be designated for "other work" for me, whereas the latter half of the month is for ShoH, so I haven't done too much--also because, as always, coding fight sequences and battles can be a huge pain in the butt to do well! They're actually my least favorite things to do when it comes to the game--it's all... math and stuff...--but it's getting done surely but slowly! 

In other news, I did figure out how to change the colors of the stat bars for the game, but quickly found out I am terrible with visuals and matching colors! Here are some of the samples I whipped up:

In an ideal world, I'd be able to code something that actually changes the colors of the stat bars as the story goes along--so like, in the beginning of the game, they're Autarchy colors (red, gold, and white), but as the game progresses, they become Shepherd colors (blue, black, and silver). But I am not kgold (the author of Choice of Magics and Choice of Robots and general coding whiz), so that does not seem possible at the moment!

We'll probably put these to a vote, but before we do that, if any of you are color enthusiasts, I invite you to send your own tri-color palette suggestions in for these stat bars! Ideally they'd relate to the game's themes in some way, but hey, if you just know of three colors that would look amazing together as stat bars, feel free to send them in and I'll include them in the future poll!

You can generate and send custom color palettes using coolors.co!

Thanks everyone and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!



https://coolors.co/22223b-4a4e69-9a8c98-c9ada7-f2e9e4 : Maybe something like the top three, that way there's a nice variation/differentiation. Also it's fairly easy on the eyes and fits the Shepherd color scheme.


Ooh looks amazing! I will whip up a sample and put it in the poll, thank you! 💖


I like the blue, black and silver colour scheme best too. I agree that it's the most pleasing on the eyes.