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Which character would you:

[ ] Want to cook supper with

Shery, because it’d be fun and relaxing, or Halek, because he’d be patient and show me techniques or methods that I didn’t know!

[ ] Play a prank with (who gets the prank played on them?)

Probably Briony lol: I know the impulse was to pick Trouble or Chase, but their pranks are generally too extreme/risky for me. Briony’s pranks are like, pretending that we’re cousins or convincing someone that Blade’s real name is Papernousse or something, not rigging booby traps in the ceiling haha!

[ ] Garden with

First instinct was Tallys, but then I realized that she’d probably be really picky and severe with how I’d take care of the plants, so… Riel!

[ ] Go on a hike with

First instinct was Blade, because he’d be quiet and calming, but he’d outpace me so easily I’d feel like I was slowing him down and get stressed out! So I’d pick Trouble!

[ ] Fight a swarm of rabid grasshoppers with

Blade, I’ll let him do all of the fighting for me! 😂

[ ] Tell your most dirty secret to

I’d tell Ayla, she probably wouldn’t blink an eye and I know she’s never going to tell anyone!

[ ] Rob a bank with

Definitely Chase lmao!

[ ] Paint a house with

Trouble or Briony, they’re tireless and keep up a cheerful energy!

[ ] Watch cloud shapes with

Halek, we’d both probably fall asleep!

[ ] Go Easter egg hunting with

Chase because he’d get way too into it and would make it a lot of fun!

[ ] Play Monopoly with

Shery, she’s the only one who can keep it light-hearted enough and not so competitive that the game board ends up getting flipped…

[ ] Go lingerie shopping with

Definitely Lavinet! Briony can come along for moral support lol!

[ ] Put lipstick on them just to smooch it off

Um… none of them, but if I had to choose, Chase!

[ ] Play tag football with

Trouble, because he’d be kind and gentle when I kicked the football to the wrong team :-)

[ ] Ride on a motorcycle with (you drive)

We would both die if I drove, but I’ll pick Chase (not because I want him to die, but because it’d be fun)

[ ] Ride on a motorcycle with (they drive)

Definitely Trouble!

[ ] Call for a late night plumbing emergency

Ayla! She’d complain, but she’d help me and I wouldn’t be as embarrassed lol

[ ] Color with (Big crayons)


[ ] Stargaze with

Red! He’d have lots of things to say about the stars!

[ ] Learn the bagpipes with

No one, that sounds awful… but if I had to choose, Riel! He’d outdo me and master it so fast, though… guess it would give me a good excuse to give up early!

[ ] Save a dragon with

Red! First instinct was Blade, but he’d probably make me get rid of it, so Red.

[ ] Tell scary stories in the dark with

I’d want Blade to be there so I’d feel safe, but I’d want to be swapping the actual stories with Red, Briony, Lavinet, Trouble, and Chase!

[ ] Die protecting

All of them!

[ ] Give your worldly possessions to

Riel, he’ll keep them safe and/or put them to good use!

[ ] Go fishing with

Trouble, even though he’s terrified of the water lol!

[ ] Write a how-to book with

Red, he’d work well enough with me that he wouldn’t drive me crazy, and it’d be fun!

[ ] Watch a scary movie with

Blade or Chase!

[ ] Watch an action movie with

Ayla or Briony!

[ ] Watch a chick flick with

Lavinet or Shery!

[ ] Watch a documentary with

Trouble (he’d be like :O) or Tallys!

Anonymous: what would zori think of the romanced shepherds or just the ros in general?

I’m assuming this means Zori when they were twelve, not a grown-up version had they survived!

Blade: they’d think Blade was really cool, but would also be a bit jealous of that fact and verbally try to undermine him to MC to make themselves seem cooler lol

Trouble: faultless, can’t really say anything bad about him

Tallys: they’d be a bit in awe of her, but would also notice how distant she is

Shery: they’d think she was nice but would otherwise dismiss her from their thoughts

Riel: they wouldn’t really like him, he’s weird around kids and he’s not a fighter or adventurer, so he’s lame

Chase: he’s like their damn hero and they would believe every tall tale he told about himself without question

Red: they’d like him and would go to him to ask questions about the world or, like, learn chess or something, but in their estimation he’d probably lose in most fights

Ayla: she’s a badass but really scary when she’s angry. Still, it’s kind of fun to make her mad!

Briony: they like her and, if they were to get in trouble with any of the other Shepherds, they’d go running to her for help/protection!

Lavinet: they’d be fascinated by her at first, but the fascination would quickly fade once they realized she’s basically just a normal person (albeit rich). They’d like her but wouldn’t interact with her much otherwise!

Anonymous: How would blade react to an mc that kept a book of pressed flowers that he gave to her from flowers he gardened himself?

He’d find it very cute and he’d deliberately start planting flowers that would look good when pressed in a book!

Anonymous: which ros help mc hide a body

It really depends on who and why MC has a dead body, but at a baseline, all of them. Them’s ride or die bitches

Anonymous: Love triangle between Chandry and Blade.

Blade quickly gives up or loses interest in MC because if the clown is a real and strong romantic prospect, he… doesn’t stand a chance? Would not interest MC anyway? Maybe MC wouldn’t interest him either?? Anyway, he’s out lol. Unless Chandry had a completely unrequited crush on MC, at which point he would just ignore him or long-sufferingly tolerate him.

Anonymous: How would Chandry react to being asked to be the best man at MCs wedding?

He’d cry! To everyone’s surprise, he’d show up without his clown paint because he likes and respects MC that much!

Anonymous: Mc and Ro's wedding night is being planned and MC approaches and says they would like Chandry to be their best man. How do the Ros react?

“Mm… you’re joking, right?” Eventually is “okay, whatever” because they’re low-key or not picky about the wedding anyway.


Deadpan stare. “You’re joking, right?” Eventually accepts it but isn’t totally happy about it.



“Okay, sure”




“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay?”




“Fine but he has to not wear a clown costume”


Anonymous: How would Blade feel about m!MC becoming his best friend because he's in love with him? Like he respects his sexuality and would never try to change his mind but MC is happy just being best friends with him, as long as he's in his life in some way, and never moves on/falls for anyone else. He's perfectly happy to just never even look for anyone else because his friendship with Blade is as close to what he actually wants even if it's not romantic or sexual in any way.

It depends on a lot of things: does Blade know that MC is in love with him? How does it all come out?

I think he’d be uncomfortable if he found out that he was the reason that MC never falls for anyone else. It would sort of sound like their friendship is fulfilling a romantic need for MC, even if the friendship in and of itself is not romantic or sexual in nature, and for that reason, I think he’d feel a little strange about it, because it’s implicitly meeting or filling a relationship need for MC that Blade (although it doesn’t technically affect him) didn’t consent to. If he felt that his companionship with MC was what was preventing them from finding a romantic partner, he might talk to him about it or even distance himself.

If he didn’t really know that any of this was going on—just that MC never found anybody and was content with that—he’d be like, “Cool, same boat” and would just assume they were similar in disposition. But I don’t think he’d want MC specifically not to look for anyone else because their friendship (or his presence in MC’s life) is “enough” that MC doesn’t have the desire to have romantic relationships with anyone else. I hope that makes sense!

Anonymous: Can we get some trouble and red fluff facts

When Trouble develops a crush on MC, he starts working out more and looking at himself in the mirror (something that he never does) just so he can impress MC—but he doesn’t even know that he’s doing it! He starts to eat better, too!

He’s generally very unthinking and free with his physical affections, with friends and lovers alike, but there’s one moment where he shares a stick of charch with MC (if they smoke) and is like “indirect kiss…” 😳

When Red develops a crush on MC, he for whatever reason starts to swallow wrong around them (like he gulps a lot) and then launches into a coughing fit an embarrassing amount of time near them.

He’s generally very chill in terms of physical affection (like a friend can lean on his shoulder and he won’t notice/care) but if MC comes up behind him when he’s not expecting it or feels their breath on his neck, he screams. And then he wants to go wither and die in a bush

Anonymous: Can we get some fluff facts for chase?

Chase is generouslly touch-y with everyone, but he reserves head pats to the people he finds most cute/is very affectionate towards. This is a casual gesture for him and a way to tell if he really likes you, but weirdly he gets jealous when he sees someone else doing it to MC, no matter their intentions behind it!

He likes to keep things of MC’s close to him, so he’d totally like… steal a hair tie they wouldn’t miss or spritz a handkerchief of their perfume/cologne and keep it close to him and hoard it!

Anonymous: How would the Ros + Halek react to romanced MC being extremely clumsy.

It depends on the extent of the clumsiness. If it’s just the occasional trip or dropping something, it’d be cute to most people (except Riel). If it was extreme, like they have a 90% chance of dropping whatever they’re holding, breaking things constantly, tripping and falling literally all the time, it’d be:

Indifference: it’s neither a deterrent nor an attractive quality of MC’s



Are you okay? Can we do something to help this issue? Should we do some training or technique to help you out of your clumsiness?



You need to do something about this because it’s starting to affect my life:



Just quietly never trusts MC to hold anything fragile, including babies:


It’s kind of charming in its own way haha? *sweat drop*






Grim: Not sure if this has been asked before, but what are Croelle's thoughts on the different specializations of magic? Are there schools he's particularly wary of? Specializations he would like or be uncomfortable with an RO!MC using?

This is a spoiler but it turns out that Croelle is curiously immune to many types of magic! So Enchanting magic doesn’t really work on him, BUT he’s still very suspicious of it and extremely against it, for obvious reasons (if you read his story). For an Enchanter MC, he’d be particularly hostile towards them and very uncomfortable with the use of their magic. Eventually this hostility might simmer down if you earn his trust, but that would take several years: he’s that against that brand of magic.

He respects Battle magic and Elemental magic as powerful forces, and in a way grudgingly respects Healing for its potential, too. Wild magic sort of puzzles him, as he views other animals as potential meat or just “meh”, but he doesn’t have any particular feelings about it. Divining, Shifting, Summoning, and Binding magic don’t inspire any particular thoughts in him, so long as the Summoning doesn’t involve demons!

Anonymous: what are the symptoms of the illness that killed the mcs mom?

The Gray Death usually manifests in several weeks of fatigue and weakness, followed by coughing, fever, and inability to keep down food, the victim becoming weaker and more lethargic. Eventually, they cough up blood, then lapse into a coma that always lasts three days before they pass away.

Anonymous: What pet names would the ROs use/want to be called?

I’ve sort of answered this here, but if you want more detail/spoilers:

Blade: wouldn’t want to be called anything in particular, but wouldn’t mind most pet names, so long as they weren't embarrassing/baby-talkish (like "Bladey-wadey" or anything like that). He’d call MC “my love” or "love" or “darling” or “dearest one” in private, very rarely when he’s feeling very lovey-dovey!

Trouble: he wouldn’t mind most pet names MC might have for him, so long as they weren't baby-talkish. He’d definitely call them “love” or maybe even “sweetling" or "honey," in private or public, he doesn't care! He'd also probably use a variety of goofy nicknames on a day-to-day basis, like as a joke (like "partner," "recruit," "sweet-ass"), but he also does this just as a friend! 

Tallys: she calls MC “elan” (Elvish for “my heart”) in the game if romanced; she wouldn’t mind if they called her a pet name or not, but if they called her that back, she’d just melt!

Shery: Shery doesn’t call MC any pet names, but she would love it if they called her one! It wouldn’t really matter what it was so long as it wasn’t, like, derisive!

Chase: as you probably know, he calls MC “sunshine” already, but if romanced he’d have a rotating selection of pet names for them, depending on the day and his mood. “Pet,” “bright eyes,” “sweetcheeks,” and “sweetheart,” are all just a litany of potential names, but he also gets sillier with it, like "Yes, o light of my life?" or "I heard you the first time, captain-of-my-heart's-dreadnaught!" Notably, he pretty much only uses "dear" as a way of being sarcastic. He wouldn’t mind any pet name so long as it wasn’t anything cringey like “daddy” or something, lol.

Riel: he would not typically use pet names for MC except for the occasional “dear" or possibly even "husband" (somewhat sarcastic or humorous)! I don't think he'd outright mind being called a pet name like that in turn ("dear," etc., and only at home!) but he wouldn't like any pet names that were cutesy or infantilizing, like "babe" or "baby" or "sweetie." He knows damn well that he's not sweet so please don't call him that, lol!

Red: Red, as irony would have it, does not tend to call people by nicknames or pet names unless they specifically ask to be addressed by that name. So he wouldn’t naturally call MC a pet name except for the occasional “dear” or “honey” in private, probably once married!

Ayla: she prefers using MC’s first name or a shortened version of their name rather than any pet names, and will only tolerate a pet name in kind if it’s not overly-sappy! (No “schnookums” or “sweetie,” but will tolerate a “babe”.)

Briony: she calls MC by lots of pet names, the most common being “honey” or “sweetie” or "darling". She doesn’t mind being called similar pet names, either, she's not embarrassed by them in the least!

Lavinet: she refers to MC as “darling” or "dearheart" most of the time in a relationship, and their full name when she’s mad, lol. She’d like to be called "darling" or "dearheart" or even "pet" as well, but really any pet name is totally fine with her, as long as it's not something cheesy like "Lovely Lavi" or something like that!

Anonymous: oh man. daren won the poll huh? hypothetical-how would blade react to leading a squad with daren in it-actually, how does each ro react to leading a squad from hell? and who would each ros most-least favorite recruit be out of the ones listed in the poll

Blade would be such a hardass towards those recruits! Daren especially would annoy the hell out of him because Daren is the picture of what Blade hates most about the Ket and possibly about how he himself acted in the past! Over-obedient, too eager to please, totally pliant towards authority figures… Blade would be repulsed by him, but wouldn’t show it as much and would be equally hard on all of the recruits. But personally he would not like Daren one bit!

For the sake of time, I’m only going to answer about the squad who won (Justyn, Daren, Ysa, and Cybele) rather than all of the ones in the poll.

Blade: his favorite of the squad would be Ysa, because she’s at least hard-working if cold and distant, and his least-favorite would be Daren, as stated. He would grimly take on the task of leading the squad, and over time they would actually be whipped into extremely competent fighters and officers, but they would be TERRIFIED of him and they would never be friends!

Trouble: (keep in mind all of the companions have to lead their own squads eventually, barring Shery, who still has to order them around in a general capacity. So they’re all dealing with their squads from hell, too, lol). His favorite from the squad would probably be Justyn, the gun-user, and his least-favorite would be Cybele due to her laziness! I think he’d be friendly enough with the squad that they’d want to please him, but if they pissed him off, they would see another side of him that they wouldn’t want to see…

Tallys: Her favorite would be Daren, the one who listens to her the most and doesn’t make her strain her voice, and her least favorite would be Cybele, because she thinks Cybele gives a really bad name to Elves. She would never raise her voice with her squad and wouldn’t seem to exert herself to corral them, but she’d totally put them through physically-punishing exercises for performing poorly. They’d be whipped into shape in no time, but they would never like her, especially because she’s never transparent with what she’s planning or thinking!

Shery: this is hypothetical, obviously, but she would be so nervous about leading her own squad and they would never listen to her (as you can see in her day-off scene). Her favorite would be Ysa, who’s at least polite, and her least favorite would probably be Justyn, because he’s the one who questions orders the most. She’d probably cry like every night she had to deal with them, lol.

Riel: he’d psychologically pick apart each squad member until they were ready to listen to him utterly. He’d utilize the most effective techniques on each recruit, using flattery, threats, or what have you to get them to do what he said. They’d be the most perfect team of officers in the Order, and they’d all be completely loyal to Riel. His favorite would probably be Daren, because he’s already naturally the most obedient, and his least favorite would be Cybele.

Red: he’d be a nice mentor figure to his recruits. Maybe he wouldn’t push them as far as they could go, but he already has experience teaching and corralling students as Archmage, so this wouldn’t be that different. His squad wouldn’t fear him as much as some others, but they’d learn a lot under his tutelage and look up to him kind of as a nice older brother. His favorite would be Justyn, who’s easiest to talk to and charming when he wants to be, and his least favorite would be Ysa, who’s distant and hard to read.

Ayla: she would HATE having to lead the squad, but ultimately grudgingly accept them as part of her new family. She hates having any kind of responsibilities, commitments, or attachments at all, so she’d amuse herself by torturing them for a little bit before actually getting serious and teaching them survival skills that will keep them alive. Her favorite would be Cybele, a kindred spirit, and her least favorite would be Daren, a “stick-in-the-mud who always has a stick up his ass.”

Briony: she would be excited to lead her new team, and then quickly deflated when she saw the state that they were in, lol. At first she’d be nice and sweet towards them, but when that didn’t work, she’d switch to being a ferocious drill-master who absolutely puts them through their paces. Her standards are high when it comes to training, so it’s actually hard to please her, but she’d eventually strike a balance where her squad liked her but also feared and respected her. It would take a long time, though! Her favorite would be Daren because she thinks he’s hilarious, and her least favorite would probably be Cybele!

Lavinet: she would be excited to have her own squadron to boss around (I mean lead), and she would take absolute no shit from them from the get-go. She might treat them like servants at first, ordering them to go and fetch things from her room or run personal chores for her, but she’d also teach them a lot about how to handle the lance and face opponents that seem to outmatch you. Her favorite would be Justyn, because as a former bard he’d know just how to charm her and become teacher’s pet, and her least favorite would be Ysa, who she gets the sense doesn’t respect her as much as she should!

Anonymous: what’s the effect on trouble’s lifespan with the whole equalist experimentation? you said somewhere that it wouldn’t really be answered in game and I’m lowkey surprised about it. also: does using his powers shave off his lifespan?

Just like in real life, the game (which only takes place over a year) doesn’t present answers or solutions for everything!

To give the spoiler answer that only I know: ironically, the Equalists’ experiments gave Trouble a Mage’s lifespan, even if they didn’t fully succeed in giving him a Mage’s powers. So rather than the average Norm lifespan, he’ll actually live to 150-200, the average lifespan for a Mage. However, every time he uses his power, it shaves a few hours off his life. So he’s correct in that instinct, but doesn’t know it’s also actually elongated, so it’s really not too bad. But he has no way of knowing that, either!



Anonymous: Hello, can we get rest of the NSFW alphabet for Ayla? And Tallys?

For Ayla:

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) She is au naturale down there, and the carpet does match the drapes!

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  She tends to be more intense and to-the-point rather than tender and lingering, but after the fact she is lazily-intimate and cuddly!

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) She masturbates every day or so, usually to fall asleep!

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) I think her kink is the idea of being in a threesome with MC, even if she has no real desire to do it in real life. It’s just the idea that gets her going!

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) She’ll do it anywhere. On a rooftop, in a barn. In the wilderness, in the bedroom. She doesn’t care lol

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) I think she’s one of those people where fighting/arguing can turn her on randomly and she’ll drag MC to the bedroom in the middle of a heated discussion!

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) She won’t do roleplay because she thinks it’s silly or do stuff involving extreme pain (light BDSM is okay)

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Prefers giving; sometimes she can’t loosen up enough or is too distracted to enjoy receiving fully. She’s a beginner at giving at first, but picks up stuff fast!

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Fast and rough, she goes at it pretty intensely and it can be extremely passionate!

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) Likes quickies and prides herself on being able to make MC come in less than five minutes if pressed!

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) Extremely open to experimentation and risk, she does not care if she gets caught having sex with MC so she’ll do very risky things! She’s open to experimenting but has some hard lines she won’t cross no matter what, though these are few.

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) She likes at least two rounds. She lasts quite a long time if she wants to, but prefers making her partner come multiple times.

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) She doesn’t own any toys, but would try strap-ons or the like with a female MC if they wanted to!

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) She doesn’t like to tease a lot unless she wants to make a point and win an argument

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) She’s pretty quiet but prefers it if her partner is super loud, as their sounds of pleasure can get her going!

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) Is more skilled at giving women oral than men, can make MC twitch with just a look and a wink. Also, likes to bite and leave hickeys

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) Exquisite pussy energy

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Quite high, able and willing to have sex every day if MC wants, makes advances on MC at least twice a week

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) It depends, she can pass out immediately after or stay awake, buzzed, for a long time!

For Tallys:

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Au natural down there, and yes the carpet matches the drapes

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) Tallys isn’t crazy tender and romantic during sex, but is very loving and gentle in the afterglow

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) She does it pretty much every day if she’s not currently with a partner.

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Massages, for whatever reason MC’s hands on her are irresistable. Also, tying MC to the bed and making sure they’re helpless so she can tease them at her leisure

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) Somewhere out in nature where they can’t be disturbed, like… behind a waterfall in a lake, or in the middle of an isolated meadow or something

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Just the slightest grazing touch, like the kind that gives goosebumps, can get her going

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) She won’t be degraded or called insulting names, not even in play

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) She VASTLY prefers giving oral—that probably is her real kink—but she likes receiving too. has the gift of tongues hahehre

P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) She likes to go slow and sensual and torturous

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) She is frequently down for quickies and will corner the MC in a supply closet and then they both will exit smoothing their hair

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) very game to experiment, but not a lot surprises her anymore at this point: it has been 200 years, after all!

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) She can go for one or two rounds a night for very long, luxurious sessions

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) Yes, she has toys and uses them on herself and her partner. She particularly likes things like vibrating cock rings or remote-controlled vibrators that she can use on her partner and fully control

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Average—she likes to tease, but not for an excessive amount of time

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) She’s pretty quiet—lots of heavy breathing and stifled little cries

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) Depending on her mood, she either really likes getting spanked or hates it. Has also participated in orgies before but was “meh” about it.

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) It’s beautiful. A literal work of nature

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Her sex drive is extremely high (hence why she seeks out partners so frequently before MC) and it takes a lot of energy to keep up with her. As I put it once, “fuck her every day or perish”

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) She tends to stay up, stroking MC’s hair and watching them fall asleep out of utter bliss

Anonymous: How would the Ros react if MC growls during sex instead of moaning.

Everyone: abject terror. It is probably a deal-breaker for most.

Anonymous: Mmmm how would everyone (plus Halek and Croelle because why not) feel about breaking a piece of furniture during sex? Be it bed, table, chair, desk, etc.

Would collapse into a fit of laughter:




Would be embarrassed and have to stop for a bit to freak out/react:




Keep going and deal with it later:






Make a funny quip about it and then keep going:


Anonymous: Nsfw ask for patreon q&a: how would the ROs react to an MC who wanted to watch them pleasuring themselves? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Would eagerly oblige:



Would shyly/hesitantly oblige with encouragement:



Would eagerly oblige, but refuse to finish unless MC joined in:




Would be shy at first, then would get too into it to care:




We have a lot of questions left over this month, so those will be saved and answered next month! Thanks for sending in your questions and reading, and have a great end to your June!


Stephanie Beth

Thank you for answering! 😄💗


On the last nsfw question Red is missing