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Hi everybody! I hope you're doing well as we enter the final weeks of June! Here's some updates:

  • I've been working on ShoH for the past few days, cleaning up hanging loose threads and whatnot. I've actually finally completed Trouble's route in Chapter 1 (the branch where you storm the Equalists' compound first, instead of sneaking in). It is pretty rough and fast-paced and will need lots of refining in the future, but it is playable and legible, so I can finally say Chapter 1 is actually "done."
  • I'm currently working on Chase's route in Chapter 2; we're in the Black Sun factory and Chase and MC are currently trapped in a closet. I'm hoping to finish that and upload the update by the end of the month! Fingers crossed!
  • I added a gambling section to the day off hub, but you have to unlock it in a specific way (I'm not even sure that you can do that in the alpha yet). Why? I dunno, I just felt like making gambling games, and at least one is very addictive... I will have to see how it affects the economic integrity of the game, though!
  • Outside of the game, I've been working on something as a surprise to patrons, but it will be a little while longer before I can reveal what it is. If you look at our next goal (which we are fairly close to unlocking) you might get an idea! :)

Also, my laptop charging cable frayed this week and actually electrocuted me briefly, lol. (Don't worry, I'm fine!) So I've been trying to stay off my computer as much as possible until a replacement arrives (next week), so my online presence will be a little spotty until then! I hope you all are staying safe and taking care of yourselves! Thanks for reading and have an amazing rest of your weekend!



M-merchandise?! (˙ᗜ˙)